03 March 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - One for the Boys

Alright you guys, if you can get beyond the body beautiful, take a look at the facial expressions of the two dressed-up little girls. What are they thinking?

02 March 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Westerns

Cowboys and Indians - the good old Western.

'I felt pretty comfortable with Westerns, apart from the fact I couldn't ride.'

~ Richard Widmark

01 March 2010

Theme Day: Passageway in the Serre de la Madone

The Serre de la Madone is one of Menton's most famous gardens. Created by Lawrence Johnston, an American who owned the famous Hidcote Garden in England, he needed a warmer climate for the sub-tropical plants he collected. His story is fascinating and so is the garden and we will be covering it on Menton Daily Photo soon.

This photo shows a passageway fairly near the entrance to the gardens on the Route de Gorbio.

To see how other City Daily Photo bloggers have interpreted today's theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants

28 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - A Clockwork Orange

Sometimes the displays are simple like this tribute to Stanley's Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange.

Of course, the name of the film slots rather nicely into a festival of citrus fruit.

27 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Scotland in Menton!

You never know who you'll meet at the Corso!

'There's a lot of fantasy about what Scotland is, and the shortbread tins and that sort of thing.'

~ Sean Connery

26 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Rubber Bands and Rotten Lemons

This shows us how the displays are made. First a metal frame is created ....for example the Ben Hur exhibit we saw a couple of days ago. Then wire netting is fixed to the frame. Then teams of volunteers fix one lemon or orange at a time onto the wire netting, each one attached with a rubber band. As I mentioned once before but it's worth saying again - 500,000 elastic bands are used and 145 metric tons of citrus are required.

You see a lemon is missing in the main photo and in the smaller one, one of the lemons is rotten and needs replacing. There are many people working in the Jardin Biovès each day and they walk around replacing any deteriorated citrus and this year, with the endless rain, there has been a lot of rotten fruit.

At the end of the festival (3 March), any fruit that is still in good condition is sold off to be made into jam and wine.

25 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - the Dancer

One of the beautiful dancers in the Corso.

'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.'

~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

24 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Ben Hur

Yet another type of cinema - this time, ancient Rome.

'It's been quite a ride' ~ Charlton Heston

There's a Caption Competition on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today...

23 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - La Serenissima

Venice comes to Menton! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw these figures in the carnival. La Serenissima - surely THE most beautiful city in the world.

22 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Horror (2)

'Where there is no imagination there is no horror.'

~ Arthur Conan Doyle (creator of Sherlock Holmes)

21 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Horror

Ghouls and ghosties, skeletons that rattle and things that go bump in the night...

Do you like horror movies?

20 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Sway

The music plays and hips sway sensuously as the girls move along Avenue Carnot - all part of the procession.

'Dancing is moving to the music without stepping on anyone's toes, pretty much the same as life.'

~ Robert Brault

19 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Waiting for the Parade

Most people who braved the chill to watch the parade stood by the side of the road or had seats in the stands. Those behind the glass of La Cigale, not only get to sip a café or a hot chocolate whilst they watch, but they are also somewhat protected from the unseasonal low temperatures.

A Joyous Update: Thanks to Kim of Seattle Daily Photo for the great news that photo blogger Amir Sadeghi of Tehran 24 and Tehran Live has been freed from Evin prison in Tehran. Amir is free. What fabulous news!

18 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Jurassic Menton

Each section of the static displays in the Jardin Biovès represents a different genre of film. This one is called Menton Park and represents Jurassic Park.

You can get an idea of the enormous height of this display by looking at the people walking past.

A team of 300 people is involved in the preparation of the floats - citrus fruit growers, gardeners, artists and metal workers who create the frames. They are helped by groups of volunteers from various villages and towns along the coast. 500,000 elastic bands are used and 145 metric tons of citrus are required. The number of hours worked: 20,000.

17 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - the Holes in the Fishnet

It wouldn't be a parade without the girls. This one could have done without the holes in her tights - it was already cold enough! Good for them that they kept up their smiles regardless of the chill in the air.

These shots were taken during an hour of sunshine. Later it disappeared behind the clouds, the wind came up and it was brrrrrrrrrrrr.

16 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - the Movie Camera

Today we are in the Jardin Biovès looking at the static displays. The annual Fête du Citron has been featured on this blog each year since 2007, but for anyone seeing it for the first time, the frame is created in metal, wire covers the frame which forms the shape. Later, volunteers cover the frame with oranges and lemons. Each piece of fruit is fixed with a rubber band. We'll see the details of this in a few days.

15 February 2010

Fête du Citron: Cinema - Marilyn

It's that time of year again! The Fête du Citron (Lemon Festival) is upon us. Each year there is a Theme and this year it's 'cinema.' The adverts say 'Menton fait son cinema' which, by way of explanation, has a double-meaning - faire du cinema means to put on an act, to make a song and dance about it, to show off etc.

Here, we see Marilyn Monroe, of course, and a second Marilyn to wave at the crowds.

14 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

'Love is all you need' ~ Paul McCartney

13 February 2010

Jewels in the Sun

The snow .... going, going, gone! The remains of a vine that hangs from the terrace roof slowly loses its gift of snow.

12 February 2010

Come to the Sunny South of France!

Snow! Today is the first day of the Fête du Citron (the Lemon Festival) and yesterday we had 20 centimetres of snow. I'm snowbound in Gorbio. This is most unusual - come to the sunny south of France!

Yesterday, the majority of flights to and from Nice airport were cancelled and the motorways were closed in many sections. When I woke there was no water so the dogs have been drinking bottled Pellegrino.

Update - it's now melting...

11 February 2010

The Fisherman

This man is fishing in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, almost exactly on the border of Roquebrune and Menton. You can see the steeples of the Old Town of Menton in the distance.

He was so involved in his fishing and doing whatever he was doing with the reel, he didn't notice me. He would seem to be a man who is completely comfortable in his skin, and with such a kind face.

10 February 2010


Jonathan: I want to fly where no seagull has flow before. I want to know what there is to know about life!

Father, Mother: Son, this may not be the best life, but it's all we know.

Jonathan: There's got to be more to life than fighting for fish heads!

~ Jonathan Livingston Seagull

09 February 2010

The Russian Orthodox Chapel - the Door Handles

A beautiful but damaged door handle, the wood, the stonework - everything will need restoration.

With 6 Princes of the Russian royal house buried here, it's fascinating to wonder how many hands - amd whose? - have touched these handles. The one of the left is jammed upright. I tried pulling it down so it swung loose to match the other, but it wouldn't budge.

08 February 2010

The Russian Orthodox Chapel - Generosity

We saw the newly restored dome yesterday and here it is again - and in the smaller photo you get an idea of the amount of restoration needed on this beautiful Russian orthodox chapel.

It will be undertaken by a private and generous individual, the Russian architect, Andrei Smirnov. The dome was restored by Menton Council but the rest of the work will be at Mr. Smirnov's own expense.

This beautiful chapel contains the remains of Prince Troubetzkoy (1822-1892). It was built in memory of Alexandrine de Tapliakoff, who died in Menton in 1884. No less than 6 princes of the Russian royal house are buried in Menton.

Thanks so much for everyone for 3rd birthday wishes yesterday - I so appreciated it.

07 February 2010

3 Years of Menton Daily Photo - Going for Gold!

The beautiful Russian chapel in the Cimetière du Vieux Château of Menton has just had its onion-shaped dome painted gold. It's my favourite building in the cemetery and so today - Menton Daily Photo's 3rd birthday - seems a good day to show it to you as it gleams in the sunshine. The photo below shows it before the paint job.

The chapel was built in 1886 by Count Protassov-Bechmetieff and is the final resting place of several Russian Princes. The building is crumbling in places and becoming dangerous for visitors but happily, the Russian architect Andrei Smirnov will undertake, at his own expense the remains of the restoration.

And so on this 3rd birthday - one post a day for three years and never a day missed and the same on Monte Carlo Daily Photo - I wish I could invite you all for a glass of champers but we'll have to do it 'virtually' - please open that bottle!

Joining the City Daily Photo community has truly changed my life bringing a new field of creativity, so many new and valued friends and even a new job as journalist/photographer for CITYOUT Côte d'Azur. None of this would have happened without our dear Eric Tenin who started it all with Paris Daily Photo - thank you, Eric, and thank you to Demosthenes and Igor who keep us up and running every day.

Thanks to my fellow bloggers, some of whom I've been lucky enough to meet, others are valued friends from afar. So many of you, over these three years, have helped and encouraged me and even more of you inspire me. And thank you to everyone, blogger or not, who takes a look at my photographs each day.

I know I'm lucky to live in such a beautiful place and the pleasure for me in blogging is to share the place I love so much. Photography has changed the way I see the beauty around me. Once I used to just 'look' but now, thanks to seeing my world through the lens of a camera, I really 'see' it. How lucky I am.

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