22 September 2010

The Church's New Facade - Preparing the Surface

The other evening Gorbio celebrated the inauguration and blessing of the new church facade but we are going back to the beginning - six months ago - so we can see each step of the work in progress and at the end, we'll see an incredible work of art.

Gorbio's church (the photo below shows it before the renovation) was built in 1694 but, at the time, the village was poor and the masons, who came from Sospel, were never fully paid and so the facade was never finished.

Last year, the inhabitants of the commune of Gorbio (the village and the valley) were given the chance to vote on one of six designs. Tomorrow I'll show you the winning design.

In the main photo and the small photo (taken in April), the render has been removed, right back to the original stone. Now the facade is being covered in several layers of enduit (a special coating) ready for the artisan to start his work on the trompe l'oeil design.

Do come back tomorrow...

21 September 2010

Bar du Cap

Place du Cap at 8 p.m. The nights are getting shorter. At the Bar du Cap you can have a drink before dinner or stay for the evening and eat - they serve simple good food - and very cheap.

20 September 2010

The Animated Crib

It's easy to walk past this doorway in the village of Gorbio but if you notice it, wonders await.

The sign says Crèche Animée which means 'animated crib.' You put your hand through the bars, flick the switch and suddenly the lights come on and the village is alive - the children go up and down on a seesaw, the angel above the crib moves back and forth waving her light, the baker puts his bread in the oven, the cows get milked etc etc.

The ironwork gate is backed by a piece of clear perspex leaving just one small space for the hand to flick the switch or place the lens of a camera, so not easy to photograph.

This nativity scene, created by one of the villagers, Monsieur René Zumerli, is in place all year round and you can throw a coin onto the floor to help cover the cost of electricity if you wish.

19 September 2010

Les Parapluies de Gorbio

Lunch on the terrace of Le Beausejour restaurant in Gorbio - and it's raining. Rather than moving inside, this gentleman decided to use his umbrella...

18 September 2010

The Wine Glasses

It always surprises me how many glasses can be held in one hand. This waitress has already placed two on the table and her right hand is still loaded.

17 September 2010

Le Balico

Le Balico in Place aux Herbes was my favourite Menton restaurant for the nearly 20 years I've lived here so I'm really sad that the owners, Franck and Anne-Marie have sold the place.

Sadly a place is never the same with a change in ownership and without a patron on the premises.

16 September 2010

The Pose

This lady looks as if she is posing for a photograph, doesn't she? In fact she was in conversation with friends whilst waiting for an exhibition to open at the gardens of La Serre de La Madone.

15 September 2010

Studio 29

Summer is almost over but a few visitors remain. It's 22h00 at a bar near Place du Cap.

This is for my friend Catherine in Paris who remembers this bar when it was called l'Alba.

14 September 2010


We're at the 20th Journées Méditerrranéennes du Jardin at a stall selling garden ornaments. You don't really expect to see a couple of cranes or a stag in Menton!

In the photo we are looking towards Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

13 September 2010


Hibiscus in the Old Town.

'Beautiful and brief
Is your stay above
The late summer leaf . . .'

~ Agnes Ware

12 September 2010

The Flower Pot Man

Yesterday and today Menton celebrates the 20th Journées Méditerrranéennes du Jardin - a massive garden fair held on the Esplanade Francis Palmero in Menton.

One section is devoted to children - here we see designs created by kindergarten children and topped by the flower-pot man.

11 September 2010

The Mill

An old mill in Gorbio - currently undergoing restoration as a private dwelling. There are several mills around here, restored, but not used for their original purpose.

Thanks to my friend Don (The BOOTboys) who helped me clamber up two steep levels to get this shot and more importantly, get down to the track again!

10 September 2010

Free Airconditioning

A window in the medieval village of Gorbio.

09 September 2010

Guns and Handcuffs

A policeman in Ventimiglia, just across the Italian border. A reminder that the beauty and tranquillity of the French and Italian Rivieras sometimes gets disrupted.

08 September 2010

The Gobelin Tapestry

This beautiful tapestry was made by a famous Parisian company called Gobelins in the 17th century. It was created for Louis XIVth and is part of a series called 'The History of Alexander.'

It hangs in the Museum of Beaux Arts in the Palais Carnoles in Menton.

07 September 2010

Cat's Cradle

'Who among us hasn't envied a cat's ability to ignore the cares of daily life and to relax completely?

~ Karen Brademeyer

06 September 2010

The Meaning of Life

Walk the dog, buy a baguette - home for lunch!

05 September 2010

Wisteria all Year Round!

The decorative friezes below the eaves of houses in Menton, Monaco and the hill villages were the work of Italian experts in fresco and stucco. Between 1860 and 1930, more than 200 friezes unfolded their abundance of fruit and flowers in lively scrolls. Neoclassical or more eclectic in style, some of these friezes have decorative elements showing cornucopia, griffons, putti or even gambolling rabbits.

This house is in the medieval village of Gorbio.

You can see another frieze by clicking on the link.

04 September 2010


This rather strange sculpture is to be found in the gardens of the Palais Carnoles in Menton.

It's called 'Question d'Arome' (Question of Aroma) and was created by the sculptor, Sacha Sosno in 1996. Click on the link to read about this well known local artist.

03 September 2010

Stephane Montalto - Ceramist and Potter

Stéphane Montalto is a well-known Riviera ceramist and potter, originally working in Menton but now at his workshop in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

And it isn't only beautiful pots that he is famous for. A while back he discovered the archives of Saissi, an important ceramics company of the last century. Saissi was a Menton enterprise with more than 100 employees who created beautiful balustrades, cabochons and bowls using the particularly beautiful pale turquoise we see around Menton and Monaco. Using the traditions of Saissi, Stéphane works restoring many of the Belle Epoque villas of the region. You can see more of Stéphane and his balustrades and large pots in the colour I'm talking about by clicking HERE.

Stéphane's work is installed in many parts of Monaco, including the Japanese Garden and St. Martin's Garden on Le Rocher. His work has been shown in many different exhibitions and he's won many awards. And he's such a nice gentle man. Today's photos were taken at one of Menton's art markets near to Place du Cap.

02 September 2010

Logs with Oleander

Logs, ready for winter and framed by a pink oleander, are piled up outside a house in the medieval village of Gorbio.

01 September 2010

Menton's Night Market - Bracelets

It's Theme Day once again in the City Daily Photo community and today's subject is an 'Open Air Market.'

Here we see one of the stalls at Menton's Night Market that takes place in the summer months at the foot of the Old Town near to the Bastion. It's great fun to wander the stalls after dinner and perhaps be tempted by the many goodies on display.

To see how others throughout the world have presented this theme do click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

31 August 2010

Saint Michel

A plaque depicting Saint Michel on a wall of one of the buildings that make up the beautiful facade of the Old Town. And of course the Basilica, which stands behind these houses is named for Saint Michel.

You often spot plaques depicting Saint Michel as you walk up the narrow streets to the cemetery.

30 August 2010


As the sun floods through a window of the church in the medieval village of Gorbio, it perfectly illuminates the sculpture. Church designers and those who placed the sculptures hundreds of years ago knew what they were doing.

29 August 2010


This plant grows wild around here - it readily seeds in walls and gardens but you find it in Menton's famous gardens too - this was photographed at Serre de la Madone, so whilst it may be a weed, it's obviously appreciated by the professional gardeners there.

'Whether you tend a garden or not, you are the gardener of your own being,
the seed of your destiny.'

~ The Findhorn Community

28 August 2010

Waiting for Autumn

A corner of Place aux Herbes, one of my favourite squares in Menton. The leaves on the plane trees cast their shadows as they almost hide the 'tabac' sign - but they are beginning to dry - to curl up. Soon autumn will be here.

27 August 2010


Doesn't she have a beautiful face and serene expression.

At the Fête Patronale de Saint Barthélémy this nun was waiting to walk, with the crowd, into the old village and up to the church.

'Smiling always with a never fading serenity of countenance, and flourishing in an immortal youth.' ~ Isaac Barrow

26 August 2010

The Blessing

This is Père Broal who is officiating at the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village. In the smaller photo you see two of the Pénitents Blancs who assist in the ceremony. Apart from a lot of dogs, there was also a horse (normally there are lots of horses) and a duckling!

The dogs - a drooly Newfoundland today - are currently making an appearance on Riviera Dogs.

Click to enter yesterday's Caption Competition.

25 August 2010

Caption Competition!

We've not had a Caption Competition for a long time and this photograph seems suitable!

Followers of Menton Daily Photo will know that a chicken strung up on a pole and the Golden Apple stuck with coins is part of the Fête Patronale de Saint Barthélémy that takes place in Gorbio village each August.

In medieval times two chickens were strung up by their feet, hung on a stick and offered to the curé. Today, they are put into a string bag and at the end of the ceremony returned to their owner. The tradition of the Golden Apple goes back to medieval times when the nobles made an offering to the church.

But the caption need have nothing to do with this snippet of history - the funniest or wittiest or cleverest wins a postcard of Menton or Gorbio - or both! Results next Tuesday.

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