16 November 2010

November Sun and Shadows

The wind blows most of the clouds away leaving a wonderful light and colour.

Well, that was the other day... today it's cold, overcast and raining...


Le vent chasse la plupart des nuages en laissant apparaitre les couleurs et une belle lumière.

Hélas, c'était l'autre jour ... aujourd'hui il fait froid, le ciel est couvert et il pleut...

15 November 2010

The Man with the Bucket of Fish

The bucket is heavy and the fisherman had to sit down to get his breath. I asked if I could take his photo and he agreed but I think he was too exhausted to smile.

From now on - see below - I'm going to try and publish in French as well as English. My friend and neighbour, Agnès has kindly agreed to correct my French. Every foreigner in France should have a neighbour as wonderful as Agnès.


Le seau est lourd et le pêcheur a dû s'asseoir et reprendre son souffle. J'ai demandé si je pouvais prendre sa photo et il a accepté mais je pense qu'il était trop épuisé pour sourire.

A partir de maintenant je vais essayer de publier en français et en anglais. Mon amie et voisine, Agnès a aimablement accepté de corriger mon français. Tout étranger en France doit avoir une voisine aussi merveilleuse qu' Agnès.

14 November 2010

Pipi Chien

No beautiful Menton today but the back of the railway lines and a sign telling the dogs where they can pee. And seemingly they can read but you'll be glad to know I cropped out the piles of dried up dog poop!

13 November 2010

From a Fisherman's Point of View

This guy is fishing near the point of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin with a view across to Menton and beyond to Italy. If you look carefully you can see the Old Town of Menton (see the church spires) just above the corner of the structure in the foreground.

12 November 2010

The Thief

This naughty pigeon has found something good to eat in these pots of herbs, on sale outside Menton's market.

11 November 2010


What's all this about then? Feathers in a drainpipe on Rue Longue.

Are these home-made Christmas decorations (note the gold ribbon)...or is this a pigeon deterrent?

10 November 2010

The Joys of Menton

Yesterday was a joyously glorious day. It was windy and the colours were fabulous and look how the breaking waves echo the low clouds.

Is it any surprise that I LOVE Menton so much!

09 November 2010

Christmas Decorations

Rue Longue in the Old Town where the Christmas decorations have been hung.

08 November 2010

The Coffee Machine

What I want to know is ... where did she brew the coffee in that espresso machine? No hotplates on the rocks at Cap Martin!

07 November 2010

Sign for Australians?

Translation: noitaiveD nairtsedeP

06 November 2010

A Swan in the Sea

Swans live on rivers and lakes, don't they? I didn't know they swam on the sea.

This one was quietly swimming just off the Sablettes Beach.

You can see it just left of the base of the palm in the lower photo.

05 November 2010

The Umbrella Pine

The Umbrella or Stone Pine is such a typically Mediterranean tree. You see a lot of them on Promenade Le Corbusier which is the beach walk between Cap Martin and Monaco. The tree's Latin name is Pinus Pinea and it produces the pine nut which of course is a major element in that wonderful sauce we eat on pasta called Pesto Alla Genovese. I usually buy my pesto sauce at Menton's market or across the border in Latte or Ventimiglia.

04 November 2010

The Fisherman

Fishing off Cap Martin yesterday.

03 November 2010

Place du Cap

We've had three days of very heavy rain in the south of France. A deluge.

This shot though was taken a couple of weeks ago after a mere shower in comparison. We are in the centre of Place du Cap. Note the young man in an alcove on the left, sheltering from the rain that has just stopped.

02 November 2010


Summer has gone and we've had two days and two nights of heavy rain - so obviously this is an archive photo. I love taking 'people' photos - they fascinate me - but why do so many young people look miserable?

'Youth is wasted on the young' ~ George Bernard Shaw

01 November 2010

Homeless at Menton Railway Station

Menton railway station, a homeless person asleep at the entrance and two ladies who didn't notice.

To see how other bloggers in the City Daily Photo community have interpreted today's theme of 'Public Transportation' please click here to view thumbnails for all participants

31 October 2010

Des Res - in need of TLC

In need of a little work, don't you think? This old house is in one of the main streets of Castellar, an old village above Menton.

30 October 2010

Christophe - the Potato, Onion and Garlic Man!

Christophe is a fixture at Menton's indoor market. You want a specific variety of potato, he'll have it. You want to know the best potato or onion for a specific dish, he knows the answer.

And more than that, Christophe has a cheery word for everyone and never stops smiling. And it doesn't hurt that he's good looking too!

29 October 2010

Moving the Beach

This digger is pushing the beach back into the sea. It's exactly where Menton meets Roquebrune-Cap-Martin and is where the river that comes down the Gorbio valley meets the sea.

28 October 2010

Behind Bars

'What do you fear my lady?'

'A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.'

~ J.R.R.Tolkien - Lord of the Rings

27 October 2010

The Pharmacy Restaurant

Of course it's not a pharmacy restaurant - simply that when the pharmacy closes for the day the restaurant alongside has somewhere to place extra tables for the evening. We're in the pedestrian street near to the Place du Cap.

26 October 2010

Too Big for the Church

The cross that is too big to go into the church. Inside are all 250 Penitents and their banners but this brotherhood, from Vallecrosia in Italy, have already been blessed by the Bishop and now view the service from outside. As it was they had difficulty getting the cross through the medieval archway leading up to the village and the mind boggles as to how they transported it from their village in Italy to Gorbio. It was quite a sight though and enjoyed by everyone.

25 October 2010

The Cross that is Too Big

We're back in the medieval village of Gorbio today because I want to tell you the story of the cross that may be too big to get into the church.

This is a gathering of 250 Penitents from all around the region. Each order holds a banner except one from Vallecrosia in Italy which has an enormous ornate and heavy cross - but will it go into the church? We'll find out tomorrow.

24 October 2010

False Pepper

We're in a pretty corner of Roquebrune village today. This is a faux poivrier or False Pepper tree - Schinus Molle if you speak Latin. It produces pink peppercorns which can be used in cooking.

23 October 2010

The Dryer

The village of Castellar - and how to dry your clothes in the rain.

22 October 2010


There's something about a scene like this that reminds me of my first visit to Paris. I suppose I was around 17. I fell in love with France then - and forever - adored the cafés and bars and as you see, nothing much has changed!

21 October 2010

October on the Beach

A lone group on the Sablettes Beach.

20 October 2010

Back to Back

Back to back at the Bar du Cap. Wouldn't it be fun if they turned around and said Hello...

19 October 2010

The Pose

Today we are back on the port for the Newfoundland demonstration that took place a week or so ago. This lovely dog was sitting on the rocks with his owner and a young lady asked if she could have a photograph taken with him. Her husband snapped away...and so did I!

18 October 2010

Floating in the Blue

'How sweet to be a cloud, floating in the blue'

~ A.A.Hodge

17 October 2010

Place aux Herbes

A corner of my favourite square in Menton - Place aux Herbes.

16 October 2010

The Bishop's Ring

It's not often you see a bishop in Gorbio. This is Monseigneur Sankalé, Bishop of the diocese of Nice who was in the village for the gathering of 250 penitent brotherhoods from around the region.

Note his beautiful hands and immaculately manicured nails, unlike the hands of the priest we saw the other day. Does a bishop have a manicurist? And then there is the ring - many people kissed his ring that day.

For the service in the church, he changed from these beautiful robes to those of white and gold and with a gold mitre on his head. These bishops sure know how to dress to impress.

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