07 July 2008

Time for a roll-up

Here's one of the characters of Roquebrune-cap-Martin. Taken near to the beach. His little dog is called Yappa. I'd noticed her earlier and taken her photograph for Riviera Dogs, but she was very nervous. Much happier here alongside her owner.

06 July 2008

The Yellow Pages

The wedding is over. Life goes on. The telephone directories were delivered a few weeks ago - not an easy task for Crystelle - Gorbio's pretty young post lady. The village is steep, little roads branch off in all directions. Hard work lugging a load of annuaires, I'd think.

Here you see an old door to a cellar - one that looks as if it wouldn't be easy to open. Come to think of it, some of the services offered in the Yellow Pages might just be rather useful...but I hope not. I love this old door. Notice the door step - simply a tree trunk.

The small photo shows telephone directories outside a house, located higher in this perched medieval village.

05 July 2008

The Village Wedding - 28 - memories

The day after. Rose petals outside the church ... memories of a perfect day.

Thankyou so much to everyone who has followed this series and to those who have commented.

Postscript: about a week ago I received an email from Patricia and Walter, the bride and groom, saying how much they enjoyed the photographs and that they'd sent the blog link to friends and family. Lisa's father and the parents of Laura also wrote kind emails.

LONG LIFE AND HAPPINESS TO PATRICIA AND WALTER - your wonderful day has been enjoyed by many people around the world. And I will never forget it - a beautiful wedding, an unforgettable day.

04 July 2008

The Village Wedding - 27 - love

The order of service was displayed in the village square - beautifully displayed amongst wheat, an old wedding dress, even a teddy bear - you can see the bear's foot on the left of the photo.

'Love is not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction. '

03 July 2008

The Village Wedding - 26 - the pretty guest

A pretty girl is like a melody...tra la la. With thanks to Irving Berlin.

02 July 2008

The Village Wedding - 25 - the pose

Not long now and the wedding party will take off for Cap d'Ail where the main reception will take place. This lady leans against the wedding car. I wonder what she's thinking? It's not 'maybe it'll be my turn next' as she is already married.

01 July 2008

Theme Day: a 'NO' sign

It had to be dog related, didn't it? The signs says 'Forbidden to dogs, even on lead.' This was taken on a grass verge near to the swimming pool in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin - RCM adjoins Menton.

Monte Carlo Daily Photo has two NO signs today - one taken in Monte Carlo, of course, but one taken in America (where I'm visiting at the moment) - outside Otterbein College, in Westerville, Ohio. It horrified me. Do take a look.

There are 171 cities throughout the world taking part in today's Theme. Do click here to view thumbnails and see how others have interpreted the theme.

I'm flying from Columbus, Ohio to St. George, Utah (three flights) today so am really sorry but commenting will not be possible. I'll catch up over the next day or so and meanwhile thank everyone who has left a comment.

30 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 24 - the toddler

The youngest guest? Actually she wasn't - there were tiny babies in prams but she has to be one of the most gorgeous. This beauty is called Laura.

Tomorrow, July 1st, is 'Theme Day' - so The Village Wedding will continue on the 2nd July.

29 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 23 - the old man and the shoes

Remember the old man who lives in the apartment above the old elm tree. Click on the link to catch up with his story. Here he sits in his usual position under the 1713 elm. He sits, alongside wedding guests - perhaps taking a glance at those shoes? - certainly aware he's next to a beautiful lady, wouldn't you say?

See adorable little Lisa behind him - featured in numbers 20 and 21. She's happily playing at the foot of the tree.

28 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 22 - more shoes

Lest you should think only one lady wore heels on cobbles, take a look at these three ladies - two resting their feet under the old elm.

27 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 21 - the fearless child

We met Lisa yesterday - being helped by her mother. Here she is, whilst the ceremony was taking place in the church - running away from her father into what seems like a dark hole of the village (in fact simply a covered part of the beautiful old street) - but of course no fear for her, as she probably lives in the village and knows every inch of it. A fearless beauty.

26 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 20 - the helping hand

A little girl being helped by her mother. She was quite the rebel this little beauty - her name is Lisa. Come back tomorrow and see how fearless Lisa was.

25 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 19 - the cool guy

Sunglasses on head, phone to ear, cigarette in hand, cool clothes - does this add up to a cool guy? He's taking time out from the reception, sitting under the old elm tree which was planted in 1713.

24 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 18 - the conversation

We saw the chubby young boy with the broken foot sitting here. Click on link. Now he's vacated his seat and it's been taken over by an older generation. The lady who is standing - dressed simply, but so elegantly. French women know just what to do with a scarf, don't they?

23 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 17 - the mother of the bride's house

Just around the corner from the reception - opposite the post office and the lavoir (wash house) is this decorated house. Just out of frame to the right is a garden full of gnomes and other fantasy creatures. It was from this house that the bride left for the church.

22 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 16 - the mother of the bride

Could she be anyone but the mother of the bride? Here admiring a baby at the reception and doubtless listening to words like, 'you'll be a grandmother soon.' This is one of those scenes that could be seen in any town or village in the world, don't you think? Place, language - it doesn't matter.

21 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 15 - the secret

Whilst the ceremony was taking place, I looked over the wall and there below were these two children - sharing a secret. Looking at their clothes, I got the feeling the one in orange will be a guest - the other, perhaps not?

20 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 14 - the onlooker

She stood just ouside the main square, looking, staring, totally absorbed by the wedding reception. Note the effort she's made tho - a pretty scarf tucked into her cardigan. But oh, those poor arthritic hands.

To answer questions: No, I wasn't the official photographer and no, I wasn't an invited guest either. Like this lady, I was simply looking on - but in my case, snapping away as I walked around or stood and also stared. Sometimes it was hard to tell who was a guest and who was a villager. Everyone enjoyed it though, especially me!

I respected the centre of the square - and the reception itself - and walked around the outside - the 18-zoom lens on my camera doing all the work. Of course, many people were taking photographs so it was fairly easy to get lost in the crowd.

(I'm in the USA at the moment - Westerville, near Columbus, Ohio - later I'll be in Utah - so big apologies for lack of comments over the last week and thanks so much to everyone who is commenting on my blogs. I really appreciate them. I hope, from today, to slowly start commenting again provided Internet access allows it).

19 June 2008

The Village Wedding -13 - the girls

Girls, girls, girls. There were lots of pretty girls at this wedding.

18 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 12 - the beautiful child

This little beauty had just picked two geranium flowers (pelagonium) and put them behind her ears. I asked her father if I could photograph her and he proudly agreed. She smiled as you see, for the smaller photograph.

I prefer though the main photograph which I took a minute or so later - a rather wistful look.

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