05 September 2008

Summer's End - Russelia

A corner in Menton's Old Town brightened by a Russelia in a pot. Russelia Equisetiformis - also known as the Coral Plant - grows easily in the south of France although I don't have much luck in my garden. It originates from tropical America and Mexico and has a beautiful cascading form and colour that is so pleasing. I've also seen it in white and cream and bought both but neither survived.

04 September 2008

Summer's End - the Sail Boat

Summer is coming to an end although you'd not know it if you walk along the Promenade du Soleil in Menton. Yes, it's just a little cooler but that is welcome. Many take advantage of the beach and sea but as the children have gone back to school, it's less crowded. September in Menton is a fabulous time.

Here's a shot taken just before 18.00h last Sunday. We're on a boat coming back from a day on the water in Italy - a repeat performance of 'The Boat Trip' that we shared in July. I'm shooting against the sun - Menton and the port of Garavan await us as we follow this sail boat into the harbour.

03 September 2008

The Village Fête - the Boules Competition 5

These three great guys saw me taking photographs and said, 'Take our photograph,' and promptly posed for me. I took the one above and then told them that they were standing in too much shadow - and so we moved into a more open area and I took another - the smaller photograph on the left.

However, despite shadows, I prefer the first one. It seems to me these guys - obviously great buddies - are more relaxed - they look at the camera in a more natural and direct manner. In the second one - well, it seems more posed to me, less natural. What do you think?

02 September 2008

The Village Fête - the Boules Competition 4

The throw - the concentration. Not all of these players are in the competition. The two on the left were playing outside the area - perhaps waiting for their turn, perhaps just playing a private game - I don't know.

I love the man in the top left hand corner - he went right up on his toes as he threw, and then almost fell forward as the boule left his hand.

01 September 2008

Theme Day: Sister Cities - the Ghost Town

Today is City Daily Photo's Theme Day and the theme is Sister Cities. According to one official list, Menton has three sister cities: Montreux, Switzerland, Noordwijk, Netherlands and Sochi, Russia. According to another it's Laguna Beach in California. Fortuitously, I'd had contact with a photographer connected with the Police Department of Laguna Beach as they wanted to bring a gift to the Police Department in Menton. So far that hasn't materialised so a re-think was necessary for today's Theme.

I'm posting a place I loved when I was there in June this year - a Ghost Town. It's called Grafton, just outside Zion National Park in Utah, USA. Massive mountains, arid landscape, burning dry heat - so different from the Mediterranean and yet so stunningly beautiful. As is Menton.

Recognise the building in the photo below? If you've seen the 1969 film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid with Paul Newman and Robert Redford, you might. In the B & W photo you see Butch and Etta (played by Katharine Ross) riding around this schoolhouse - which, as is obvious, has now been restored. (perhaps slightly over-restored).

To see a great short video (2.26 minutes) plus commentary, of Grafton, please click below:

There are 148 fellow City Daily Photo bloggers from all around the world taking part in today's Theme. Do pay some a visit and enjoy - Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Stop Press: David from Tamarindo, Costa Rica DP has posted on Laguna Beach today - Laguna Beach is one of Menton's sister cities.

31 August 2008

The Village Fête - the Boules Competition 3

Everyone who plays boules seems to have their own particular way of throwing. And it's fascinating to watch.

In the smaller photograph (click to enlarge) you see the boules field, laid out in lines for the competition. Today they are playing doublettes - or doubles.

There are three types of competition in boules:
  • three players per team (two boules per player), called triples
  • two players per team (three boules per player), called doubles
  • one player per team (three boules per player), called singles
The game is played from one end to the other - and then the next game is played the opposite way. You can see a length of wood in the foreground of the photo - in fact there are more games going on this side of that length of timber too - so it was a pretty full field of players.

Want to read a simplified and brief version of the rules? - click on the link.

30 August 2008

The Village Fête - the Boules Competition 2

Yesterday - three boules. Today, two - note the precise way the hand is balancing the ball - not holding it tight. You can sense the reverence here.

In the smaller photograph, a lady (more men play than women but yes, women certainly play too) holds her boule in a cloth, which she'll use to ensure the boule is free from dust and grit.

Boules are heavy, by the way - solid metal and weighing around 800 grams (or just under) - that's about 1.76 lbs.

You can read more on the game of pétanque by clicking on the link.

29 August 2008

The Village Fête - the Boules Competition

The Fête Patronale de Saint Barthélemy is a two-day event and on the first day - Saturday - the village holds its Boules Competition.

Boules or Pétanque? You can read more on this by clicking on this link.

Boules fascinates me. For instance - how many ways are there to hold the boules? Here you see two ways to hold three. More tomorrow...

28 August 2008

The Village Fête - the Pomme d'Or

Here you see the Golden Apple. But first - on the left - meet the Committee of the Association for Festivals and Animations in Gorbio - responsible for organising the Fête Patronale de Saint Barthélemy. You can see the two chickens held aloft which are the offering to the curé - and note the man in the pale blue suit - he's holding the Pomme d'or.

The tradition of the Golden Apple goes back to Medieval times when the nobles made an offering to the church. The crucifix, which you saw entering the church the other day, and the sword represent the two social orders.

I didn't photograph the ceremony itself or follow the procession through the little streets of the village. There is much we have missed - next year, I promise.

Tomorrow - on to other joys of the Village Fête - how about a game of boules?

27 August 2008

The Village Fête - Eglise Saint Barthélemy

The service is about to begin. The small village church of Gorbio - Eglise Saint Barthélemy - is packed to overflowing for the ceremony of the Golden Apple.

Tomorrow - the Golden Apple.

26 August 2008

The Village Fête - the Offering

Gorbio is in Fête several times during the year but perhaps the most important is this one - the Fête Patronale de Saint Barthélémy. It takes place over a Saturday and Sunday in August each year. Sunday's events started with the Blessing of the Animals - followed by a chanted mass in the Eglise St. Barthélémy, celebrated by the curé, Père Baudoin.

I'll tell you more about this medieval tradition tomorrow but today we see the offering. In medieval times two chickens were strung up by their feet, hung on a stick and offered to the curé. Today, they are carefully put into a string bag and at the end of the ceremony returned to their breeder. The offering is made by the Festival Committee.

25 August 2008

The Village Fête - the Blessing of the Animals

The Blessing of the Animals. First the priest read a short prayer and then walked amongst them. Unfortunately the horses and dog you see in the smaller photograph arrived just a few minutes too late. These horses (and others, out of shot) are there every year. They walk down from their home above the village. I love to hear their clip-clop on the cobble stones you see in the main photo. You can see the dog's pic on Riviera Dogs today. Teo is Jacdterrier, a breed that originated in Germany.

Tomorrow - the live offering to the curé.

24 August 2008

The Village Fête - Manon

This weekend Gorbio, a medieval village 7 kilometres from Menton, holds its Fête Patronale de la Saint Barthélémy. I love Gorbio, but then I would, 'cos it's my village.

This morning, the animals gathered in the village square - around the old elm tree that was planted in 1713. The priests walked down from the church for the Blessing of the Animals. Here you see Gorbio's newest resident - Manon, the baby donkey.

Tomorrow - the Blessing.

23 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Sheep who Swims in the Sea

Woolite loves to swim in the sea with her owner Philippe (see yesterday's post). Here she is saying Bonjour to a Jack Russell terrier. In the smaller photograph, like everyone else, she takes a shower after her swim. And below you see her in a race with her owner. Click on Riviera Dogs for another few of the little dog - plus his ball.

22 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - 30 Million d'Amis

Remember Woolite, the ewe who runs around Menton following her owner Philippe wherever he goes? This morning she was being filmed for a French television programme called 30 Million d'Amis, which is all about animals - every sort you can imagine.

Here you see the 30 Million d'Amis crew filming Woolite and Philippe along the promenade where Menton joins Roquebrune. Tomorrow come back and see Woolite swimming in the sea with Philippe.

21 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Cat

Had enough of the beaches? Too many Fete Days? Want to get away from the August crowds?

Then take a walk in the Old Town. Just wander - take little alleyways, don't worry, you won't get lost - and anyway, exploring is all part of the fun. And a promise - you'll see lots of cats.

This lovely cat often sits here, appreciating caresses from locals and visitors.

20 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Turtle

And turtle makes three...

Talking of water creatures - to see crocodiles doing naughty things, take a look at Nantes Daily Photo.

19 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Pianist

Jean Bernard Pommier is not only the director of the 59th Festival of Music in Menton but on this particular evening, was conductor of the Menton Saint Petersburg Orchestra and, for the final piece, the soloist as well. And how he enjoyed himself - his energy and talent kept everyone entranced. Watch those hands go! This is one pianist who so enjoyed playing Saint-Saëns' 2nd concerto.

He was incredible to watch as he played and conducted at the same time. The critic of Nice-Matin wrote that it was better than a fireworks display and in his opinion, the best of the three pieces.

18 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Festival of Music

Each summer - in August - Menton holds its famous Festival of Music. This year is the 59th year. Seating, as we see, is in the square outside the Basilica. The columns of the Basilica are on our left and you can see another photograph of this facade by clicking in the link.

Ahead of us is the Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs - you saw the inside of this beautiful building the other day. The majority of the Old Town is to our right. Behind us is the sea and so those sitting facing us, have a wondrous view. Actually I think we do too, don't you?

In the photograph, the pianist and artisitic director of the Festival, Jean-Bernard Pommier, is addressing the audience. He is also the conductor of the orchestra: the Martinova-Kazakov Menton Saint-Peterburg Orchestra.

They played works by Mozart, Haydn and Saint Saëns. My favourite was the beautiful clarinet of Andrey Kazakov - the soloist in Mozart's Concerto for clarinet and orchestra KV622. Unfortunately I couldn't get a photograph of him as he was masked by the conductor, who because of the wind had to conduct with one hand only and with the other, he held on to the soloist's music - to prevent it blowing away in the wind. Someone needed to have brought a peg onstage!

I want to thank Chuckeroon of Richmond upon Thames Daily Photo. If I printed out and counted the number of emails, Chuckeroon has written - helping me, advising me, answering endless questions on night photography, I think I'd fill the Basilica with them. Chuckeroon, thank you so much for your patience with me. A long way to go yet, but I'm slowly learning and today go to buy a 'proper' tripod. I took this photograh with a Gorillapod, which had been suggested by Don, a regular visitor to Menton and to this blog. It stood happily on the low wall in front of where I sat. Thanks, Don.

Tomorrow - the pianist and the cellos.

17 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Prince

Watering the hanging pots the other day, who should pop out and jump on the plastic support of another pot, but a frog. He lives in the right hand pot you see in the smaller photo.

Do you think if I kiss him he'll turn into my Prince?

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