10 October 2008

La Fête de la Branda - the Still

Each October you'll find the Fête de la Branda in Gorbio village. Branda is the Provençal word for marc, the marc de Provence, which actually has two meanings: either the fermented grape pulp, seeds, and stems that remain after the grapes are pressed for their juice, or the actual potent distilled alcohol. You can read more by clicking on last year's link.

Above is one of the two stills. The small photograph on the left shows the fermented grape pulp after distillation.

Tomorrow we'll wander about the village and see what else is going on...if we can stay upright, that is. The Branda is strong stuff.

09 October 2008

Autumn - the Sunbather

Even on a windy day you can find a sheltered part of a beach in Menton. This was taken only 20 minutes before the 'windy' photo I posted two days ago.

08 October 2008

Autumn - the Catamaran

A catamaran on the beach just along from the Sablettes. This is at the foot of the Old Town.

My photography book says 'never have the horizon in the centre of a photograph.' So, when I looked at this on the screen I hesitated, but rules are made to be broken. I wanted to show you the shadows on the beach and I wanted you to see that blue sky - so...

07 October 2008

Autumn - the Wind

Lunchtime. The main restaurant is on the left of this photograph, by the sea. These tables are for diners who choose to sit further from the beach.

And the wind blows...

06 October 2008

Autumn - the Blessing

Yesterday afternoon I hoped to photograph the Blessing of the Animals in Menton, but instead I found this adorable bundle playing with pebbles on the beach - and her name is Blessing. Isn't that a beautiful name?

She's 22 months old and lives, with her equally good-looking mother, in Latte, which is just across the border in Italy.

05 October 2008

Autumn - the Blues

October. Sunshine, chilly at night though. The wind has blown the clouds and pollution away. The best days on the Côte d'Azur often follow the Mistral when you'll see the clearest blue skies - wonderful light.

I don't know the significance of the lines, but don't you love the patterns they create on the water. Perhaps they are nets giving protection against jelly fish, but I don't see the nets.

Taken from les Sablettes beach yesterday. You see the Port of Garavan on the left and beyond that Italy.

04 October 2008

Roquebrune village at night - the Strolling Player

You never know who you will bump into in rue Moncollet, the oldest street in Roquebrune village. This 'strolling player' is waiting to take part in a series of tales of the Middle Ages at the Château in honour of Augustin Grimaldi, the Prince of Monaco.

This actor, who lives in the village, takes the part of the Castellan (Castillion)who attends the Prince of Monaco.

03 October 2008

Roquebrune village at night - rue Moncollet

We are in rue Moncollet, the oldest street in the medieval village of Roquebrune. You can see this same shot taken in daylight by clicking on the link. You can also read about 'le poudinge' - the tertiary rock on which the village is built.

Walking around Roquebrune village at night is even more magical than during the day - you also never know who you might meet. Come back tomorrow and see who we met in this particular street.

02 October 2008

Roquebrune village at night - the Château

This is the Place des Deux Frères in the medieval village of Roquebrune. We've just had dinner at this restaurant, La Grotte, which is cut deep into the rock itself. Above, you see the brightly lit crenelations of the donjon, built in 970.

Yesterday's photograph of Monaco - published on Monte Carlo Daily Photo - was taken from here.

01 October 2008

Theme Day: Lines

An easy Theme Day this month. 'Lines' can be interpreted in so many ways - here you see lines of beads in a curtain at the foot of the Old Town of Menton. The lines of the building, the tiles, the spiky plants - even more lines.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how 164 other City Daily Photo bloggers have interpreted today's Theme and know all will be fascinating. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

30 September 2008

Summer's End - Attitude!

This photograph shows a clash of cultures. Menton often holds several events at once and in this case, the Plant Fair was held at the same time as a gathering of car enthusiasts - in particular cars sporting custom bodywork. I believe there was also a motorbike event on too.

These three are visiting Menton to display their cars or bikes - taking time out at the Plant Fair to smell the flowers.

29 September 2008

Summer's End - Flirtation

A bench near to the sea in Menton. Don't you love the energy, the body language, the rapport of these three people.

28 September 2008

Summer's End - the Hand - 2

This old house is diagonal to the Church of Saint Barthelemy in Gorbio. Peer closely at the centre of the door (or enlarge the photo) and you'll see yesterday's brass hand.

27 September 2008

Summer's End - the Hand

A door knocker in Gorbio. Brass and woodworm.

26 September 2008

Summer's End - Father Christmas

Oh no! Father Christmas already! It's still September, the sun in shining but a shop in the pedestrian street prepares...

25 September 2008

Summer's End - Shelter

A few days ago I went up to the village with the intention of photographing the making of a film. The film is to be called Amer (bitter) and is being made by a Belgian film crew - the director lives, I believe, in Menton. As I walked towards the church, the rain started and in the smaller photograph you can see some of the crew running to get out of the rain. One of these guys slipped on the cobblestones but happily wasn't hurt and neither was the equipment he was carrying.

And where do you shelter in Gorbio village? That's easy, as you can see in the main photograph.

24 September 2008

Summer's End - the Ivy

Dark creeping Ivy,
...bloom of ruins, tho art dear to me,
When, far from danger's way, they gloomy price
Wreathes picturesque around some ancient tree
That bows his branches by some fountain-side
Then sweet it is from summer suns to be,
Wish thy green darkness overshadowing me.

John Clare (1793-1864), 'To the Ivy'

A corner in Gorbio village.

23 September 2008

Summer's End - Le Beausejour

We've seen Le Beausejour restaurant before but this photograph shows you a little of the interior. If you go through these doors to the back, there is an enormous terrace over-looking the valley. It's such a pretty, welcoming restaurant and the food is so good too.

22 September 2008

Summer's End - the Priest

A charming gentleman on a visit to Gorbio village. He's sitting here outside a house on the main square. A priest with the Turkish Orthodox Church, he'd just walked down following a visit to the Church of St. Barthelemy.

21 September 2008

Summer's End - the Spider

The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship - William Blake

Shutters on an old house in the medieval village of Gorbio. A metal spider with one leg missing.

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