02 March 2009

La Fête du Citron (Music of the World) - French Cancan

We can't be in France and not have the music of French Cancan, can we? Here we see Montmartre's Moulin Rouge and as we walk around we notice Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is painting at his easel, the musicians are playing and La Goulou is dancing. Oh la la!

Today I'd like to introduce you to a fellow blogger, Catherine, who lives in Paris but visits Menton with her family during the school holidays. Her love of Menton is evident in her beautiful words and photographs. Do take a look - it's called The Five of Us. Scroll down to see her recent photographs.

01 March 2009

Theme Day: Glass...in Gorbio

Today is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community with today's subject being 'glass.' We are inside the restored medieval Château in the hill village of Gorbio, near to Menton. Here we see a 13th century gemeled window through a pane of glass as we look out over village roofs. This beautiful Château is now used as an exhibition space.

Over a hundred people will be posting their interpretation of today's theme - you'll find many wonderful photographs taken with imagination and flair. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

28 February 2009

La Fête du Citron (Music of the World) - the Girl in the Green Dress

Today, we've joined the Corso and so have 25,000 other people so it's pretty crowded.

All the floats are made of oranges and lemons but we also see dancers, musicians, entertainers from many different countries. This young lady is part of a group from Brazil and her shoulders support a beautifully made display - see last photo. It can't be easy to support the weight, deal with that fan and smile at the same time.

The building you see in the background is the Anglican church in Menton.

Tomorrow is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community - the subject is 'glass' - so we divert for one day but the Fête du Citron returns on Monday.

27 February 2009

La Fête du Citron (Music of the World) - Polka & the Rubberbands

This is how the oranges are fixed to create the displays. You can just see the wire netting which has already been fixed to a massive iron framework.

The flecks of white on the oranges are bits of Silly String. This photograph was part of a float taken at the Corso (procession of floats) where the kids have the best time squirting it at each other and at the floats. After last year's parade, I read in Nice-Matin that this wasn't going to be allowed in future as it makes so much mess in the streets but that directive obviously never happened. Click HERE to see the mess last year.

On the left you see the display representing Polka - Russian dolls and a balaleika.

26 February 2009

La Fête du Citron (Music of the World) - Jazz

Made of oranges and lemons, the Mississippi River Boat represents New Orleans jazz and plunges us into the world of Mark Twain and Tom Sawyer.

As you walk around the static displays in Jardin Bioves, you hear different music from each display.

Can you hear the jazz today?

25 February 2009

La Fête du Citron (Music of the World) - Classical

It's February, there's nowhere to park, the hotels are full, so it must be the Lemon Festival! This year's theme is 'Music of the World' and here you see classical music represented by a replica of Menton's beautiful Basilique Saint Michael advertising the Festival of Music which takes place in August outside the Basilica in the Old Town.

On the left a violin - and of course everything is made of oranges and lemons.

This is the third year Menton Daily Photo has featured the Fête du Citron and I confess I rather wondered how enthusiastic I'd be. Would it be a case of seen one lemon, seen 'em all? But no, each year I'm surprised, each year there is so much to admire and the floats are so beautifully made. Menton is proud of its Lemon Festival and so am I.

I wrote at length about how the floats are made last year so if you are new to the blog perhaps click on this link to read more and perhaps continue looking at entries from February 2008. Suffice to say massive frames are made and then each lemon and orange is fixed to the frame with a rubber band. These are checked each day and any fruit that is rotting is replaced. Menton, with its micro-climate, is known as the citrus capital of France. Many streets are lined with orange trees and all are currently overflowing with fruit. The fruit for the festival though is imported from Spain.

Tomorrow: Jazz

24 February 2009

Nathalie's Moveable Feast

Crazy fruit and vegetables in Menton's market. Nathalie from Avignon in Photos took this photograph on her recent visit to Menton (see yesterday's post).

Positioned above a fruit and vegetable stand is a long narrow distorting mirror. I must have walked past this stall a thousand times and never noticed the mirror, let alone the reflection - Nathalie saw it immediately!

Tomorrow - La Fête du Citron! - Menton's famous Lemon Festival.

23 February 2009

Nathalie in Rue Longue

One of the many joys of being part of the City Daily Photo community is meeting other CDP bloggers. Already I've had the immense pleasure of meeting Fabrizio from Turin, Sally and her family from Sydney and the Benauts from Adelaide and recently I had a real treat when Nathalie from Avignon in Photos came to visit.

Nathalie has long inspired me. I love the detail in her work, I love her shadows and her reflections and her street art. I love her photography. Walking around with her was fascinating. Nathalie sees shadows and reflections before anything else. Earlier, I had told her there are no political posters in Menton - she found them here in Rue Longue!

Nathalie takes her time framing a shot. She knows when a shot won't work because the light is all wrong. We swapped cameras, we laughed, we had such fun.

The smaller photo is the scene Nathalie was photographing when I photographed her - a perfect example of what I mean when talking about her wonderful shadows. (Please click to enlarge) And for a Nathalie reflection go to Monte Carlo Daily Photo today.

And on Avignon in Photos today you'll find two photos Nathalie took of Gorbio village.

22 February 2009

Embonpoint in the Sunshine

Enbonpoint - taken from the French 'en bon point' = in good condition. To see a Monte Carlo Gentleman's enbonpoint, do click on the link.

For anyone interested, there's an update today on Mistral and Mia on 'Postcards from Pension Milou.'

21 February 2009

The Cat in the Olive Tree

This olive tree stands in the square at the top of Gorbio village. You can see the restored Château through the branches. At the top, a look-out with a to-die-for view of the Mediterranean. From the look-out, you see Italy to the left. Look right and there is Monaco. Spread out below is Menton and Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

Meanwhile, the cat is content in the olive tree.

20 February 2009

Nude with Oranges

A naked lady in the Jardin Bioves in Menton.

19 February 2009

Place Captain Vincent - The Loner

Roquebrune village. The same stone bench as yesterday - a photograph taken last June.

A little girl plays alone with her toys.

'The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)

18 February 2009

Place Captain Vincent - The Listener

Two older men in the medieval hill village of Roquebrune - one doing all the talking, the other patient, listening, considering what is being said. We all need a friend who listens.

Note the steep staircase leading to the upper floors - no wonder the old people are so fit.

17 February 2009

Silhouette with Oranges

Taken in Roquebrune village yesterday. Note the oranges on the trees in the foreground. It's 'that' time of year again in Menton - La Fête du Citron. Menton is choc-a-bloc with visitors for the festival, so it was a good moment to stroll through the peace of this medieval hill village.

16 February 2009

Olive Oil

Even the olive oil in the shop is cold - see how it's thickened at the base. Of course this will disappear when the weather gets warmer.

15 February 2009

Menton Market - Charcuterie

This is one of the stalls in Menton's beautiful covered market. It's owned by a young Italian and he always has a long queue of customers wanting to buy his charcuterie and cheeses. He's normally cheaper than others and his food is really good and fresh. I sometimes buy his Gorgonzola and also his Buffala Mozzarella. Never buy cow milk mozzarella - compared to buffalo milk mozzarella, it's like rubber and tastes about as good.

I was intrigued to see a young lady hand over a baguette and ask him to fill it with ham and cheese. He duly weighed the filling, after much discussion on which ham and which type of cheese. He then made the sandwich, cut it in two, wrapped it in paper, put it in a bag and handed it over. (see small photo) I didn't know you could do that. Great idea, don't you think? After all, he doesn't run a sandwich counter, as such. Of course, we all waited patiently. You do when you want good food.

14 February 2009

Le Balico - Flan de Poisson

This is one of the first courses served at Le Balico, my favourite restaurant in Menton. It's called Flan de Poissons which is confusing for an English speaking person as we think of 'flan' as a sort of pastry tart. Here it means a mousse or cream. The dictionary translates flan - amongst other things - as a mould, and perhaps that's the point - this fish mousse is made in a round mould. None of which matters in the slightest, because I can tell you it's delicious and even better with a glass of white wine.

Note: Since posting this, sadly Le Balico has been sold and is now under new management.

13 February 2009

Out of the Wind

Same windy day but now we are in Rue St. Michel - the pedestrian street of Menton. Catherine, a regular visitor to Menton, commented a couple of days ago - 'Go quickly and take refuge in Rue St. Michel!' - well, here we are, Catherine - the sun is blasting down and very little wind here.

This little bar is just before the walk up towards the entrance of the Old Town. Perhaps that's the proprietor shading his eyes. The man sitting is smoking a cigarette as you see from the puff of smoke.

12 February 2009

Wind - 2

Taken a moment or two before yesterday's photo, these mothers and their children are determined to get to the water's edge, despite the wind.

11 February 2009


The rain has gone, the sun is back and at the moment, it's windy - just the edges of the Mistral that comes down the Rhone valley but still it's blowing like crazy. I'm surprised this photo worked as I was being blown sideways and no way was the camera still - just shows how important a camera's 'image stabilizer' can be.

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