08 April 2009

Rue Longue - Renovated

Some of you may remember the series on Rue Longue at the end of 2007, when it was under renovation. At the time it was almost impossible to walk down the street - take a look HERE to see how the road was excavated to a depth of several feet and residents had to squeeze past on narrow planks of wood.

Rue Longue, after two years of work, is almost finished. In the main photo we see the new surface on the road. The smaller photograph - left - shows how it used to be. Yes, perhaps the tiny pavements had to be removed, but I so wish they'd used paving that was more in keeping with the feel of these medieval houses. Of course, it's safe, it's non-slip and that's what councils think of these days. And yes, there is a sense of design in the light and darker tiles giving that long winding effect in the middle, but it's awfully modern. In 1908, Rue Longue was repaired with stone from La Spezia in Italy and it's this paving that has now been replaced. Progress?

Rue Longue was the original Roman Road - the only road leading into Italy. Called Via Aurelia, it became the Via Julia Augusta in the first century and it was around this road that Menton was built in 1250 AD.

The photo below shows this street how it was not long before the new paving was laid.

Tomorrow - we'll start to explore this beautiful old street and see what's new and what's old. Do come back.

07 April 2009

Buried Alive!

Do you remember being buried in sand when you were a child? I've a photograph somewhere - just my head shows and I recall to this day how clammy and uncomfortable it was. We dug a deep hole, in went the victim, and on went the sand...and it was so heavy you couldn't get out without help. Scary.

"Children's games are hardly games. Children are never more serious than when they play"

- Montaigne

This photograph was taken at the end of February on one of Menton's public beaches.

06 April 2009

The Road Less Travelled

Yesterday, we had steps to walk up. Today we have steps to walk down - although we could take the narrow traverse to the right and then we might be on the road less travelled...

The Old Town is a myriad of little streets, up, down, through tunnels, turn left, turn right. It's easy to get lost. Of course, that's the best thing to do: get lost. Wander - enjoy - and see where the road takes you.

05 April 2009


How could anyone be sad living amongst so many happy colours? We are at the base of the Old Town today.

"Why do two colours, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No. Just as one can never learn how to paint."

- Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)

04 April 2009

The Pleasure of Reading

Beach, book, gently breaking waves.

"Real luxury is time and opportunity to read for pleasure."

- Jane Brody

In some ways I prefer the composition of the smaller photograph but the bigger one tells the whole story. Which do you prefer?

03 April 2009

The Pebble Sifter

The private beaches of Menton are along the Bay of Garavan.

This one is called La Pergola (there's a restaurant here too) and this man is sifting pebbles by throwing spadefuls of them at this contraption. Small pebbles are retained - the bigger ones chucked out further down the beach. I presume the uniformity is so that the beach chairs and tables, which will soon be in position for the season, will be on a reasonably even surface.

I had lunch here the other day and this was the entertainment.

02 April 2009

Beach Tree

Yesterday. No sun and later heavy rain over Les Sablettes. There's something about a tree on a beach that I just love. In summer, when this tree is in full leaf, it's used by families to shade babies in pushchairs.

01 April 2009

Theme Day: Yellow

The first of the month and so once again it's Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community.

With the theme being 'yellow' the most obvious choice for Menton would be a lemon, after all, Menton is the citrus capital of France. So I give you a small photo of lemons but the main photo I couldn't resist - mimosa tumbling over the entrance to an old villa in a backstreet of Menton. Both photos were taken within a few metres and a few minutes of each other at the end of February.

Yellow is such a happy colour - the colour of sunshine. I hope it's shining for you today.

"There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun. "

Pablo Picasso 1881 - 1973

Over a hundred photographers will be posting their interpretation of today's Theme - you'll find so many different and imaginative responses to the word 'yellow.' Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

31 March 2009


Part of the facade of the Basilica seen thru an archway of the Old Town. Following on from yesterday's post, this is where the Festival of Music is held each August. Tiered seating is built for the audience, with a large platform for the musicians extending over the steps in front of the entrance to the church.

30 March 2009

The Music Festival

In August Menton hosts a fabulous classical music festival outside the beautiful Basilica in the Old Town.

The festival started in 1949 and for its 50th anniversary in 1999, this mural was painted at the base of the steps that lead up into the Old Town and our place in the audience.

Note the lemons and also the Clef on her ear.

Click on the link above to see one of the concerts.

29 March 2009

Daisy Daisy, Give me your answer do!

Daisy Daisy,
Give me your answer do!
I'm half crazy,
All for the love of you!
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'll look sweet on the seat
Of a bicycle built for two !

This lovely old song was written in 1892 by Harry Dacre. To hear a 1933 recording on YouTube, please click HERE.

Daisy Daisy was also the song used for Hal's death in Kubrick's film '2001, A Space Odyssey.'

28 March 2009

The Cyclists

It always amazes and delights me when people love having their photograph taken. I saw this group in the distance and snapped them - then they saw me and one or two waved (see smaller photograph). Then they quickly organised themselves into posing with the tandem - the sun really too bright and too harsh on their happy faces. A great group having fun, doing what they love to do cycling around France.

They'd cycled over from Hyères - that's a long way...near St. Tropez. Home is the Ardèche region of France.

Tomorrow - a Bicycle Made for Two.

27 March 2009

The Prettiest Hair Salon in Menton

Forget your modern hair dressing salons - how about a tiny courtyard with a bench whilst you wait - flowers galore - and the yachts in the harbour across the road.

26 March 2009

Paint effect

A door in the Old Town. I've worked in the past, sponge or rag in hand, trying to create the look of this old wall at home. Here you get the real thing created by time and weather.

Update today on Mistral and Mia - Postcards from 'Pension Milou.'

25 March 2009

The Moment

Do we remember moments from childhood? I hope this little girl never forgets this one shared with her father.

"Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows"
- John Betjeman (Summoned by Bells)

24 March 2009

Tuesdays with Pooh

Picture the scene: two ladies, one walking a small child who looked as if she'd rather be in the pram - the other lady is pushing Pooh. Clever Pooh. I laughed and asked if I could take a photograph. They laughed too and said 'yes.'

“You can't help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn't spell it right; but spelling isn't everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn't count.”

Winnie the Pooh - A.A.Milne

Today's post is for my best buddy, Candy, who teaches at Otterbein, a small liberal arts college in Ohio. Candy teaches a course called The Dilemma of Existence.

She writes: "The course goes from Greek Tragedy (Antigone), Dante's Inferno, Hamlet, Candide, The Maltese Falcon, The Skin of Our Teeth, and all the way to Winnie-The-Pooh. Which is, of course, the book the students all like best. Though when they first see the syllabus, they're like: we're reading a kid's book? Then they find out that Pooh is not only a Very Good book for College Students of Very Little Brain to read, it reminds them of what's really important--like friendship, and enjoying the little things in life. He's not such a silly ol' Bear after all! He's a very wise bear, indeed. And it's fun! After a dreary slog through the miz'ries of existence, I reckon we need a palate cleanser! Pooh Sorbet.... "

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”

23 March 2009

Beach with Mimosa

This was taken at the end of February, during the Fête du Citron.

22 March 2009

Tree Decoration

We are near the entrance to the Old Cemetery - looking over a roof of the Old Town - we see the old port of Menton on the right and Italy to the left.

The tree holds on to its seed pods - small round balls that decorate it so beautifully. Does anyone know the name of this tree?

21 March 2009


This man has very dirty feet, which is hardly surprising as he's walking around Menton with no shoes. His guitar has broken strings and in any case it has no headstock and it seems to be used as a container for his bits and pieces. He crossed the road and walked down to the beach and then I lost him.

“The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.”

Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)

Nathalie (Avignon in Photos) has an interesting post today on homeless people.

20 March 2009

The Motorway Menders

Perhaps not your usual idyllic Menton image but a necessary part of life down here; mending the motorway. This is the main A8 autoroute that runs along the French Riviera into Italy. All the tunnels along the way are being renovated - a European directive since the Mont Blanc tunnel disaster in 1999, where tragically 41 people died - work that will take several more years to complete.

Here employees of Escota, the motorway company, are working on a part of the autoroute below the village of Gorbio and above Menton and just a few kilometres from the Italian border.

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