05 May 2009

May in Menton - Moules...with Concentration

Steaming bowls of mussels, by the sea. Is there anything better? Look at the faces of those men, one on each table. Pure concentration. You'd better believe it - the French concentrate on their food. Me too!

04 May 2009

May in Menton - the Biker

We're leaving Rue Longue for a short while because suddenly summer has arrived in Menton - at least for the moment...

I didn't know bikers looked like this. Did you?

03 May 2009

Rue Longue - Arch beneath an Arch

Throughout the Old Town you find signs giving historical information on where you are. Very helpful it is too.

On the left you see part of one of these signs, showing an old arched doorway under an archway that stretches across the street to the other side. In the main photograph, you see the same viewpoint. Not much in the way of a change here..thank goodness.

The sign, by the way, was dirty from all the rain we had last month - next I'll walk around with a bucket.

Notice the beautiful old cobbles in the drawing and compare to the new road surface which really doesn't enhance the beauty of this ancient street.

02 May 2009

Rue Longue -Singers Wanted!

There are three old posters stuck on doors along Rue Longue - all wanting singers. Here are two of them.

Interesting how the English word 'wanted' is yet another that has entered the French language.

01 May 2009

Theme Day: Shadows...on Promenade le Corbusier

There is a magical walk from the point of Cap Martin to Monaco that used to be called le Sentier des Douaniers, but was later renamed Promenade le Corbusier in honour of the famous architect who lived in the cabanon he built along by the sea. He later drowned whilst swimming off the rocks. We will be featuring this most beautiful of walks (see small photo) and visiting Corbusier's cabanon on Menton Daily Photo later in the year.

Here is one of my dogs, Beau, enjoying the walk. He's a Bruno de Jura, one of six hunting breeds in Switzerland and ancestor of the Bloodhound - look at those long ears!

Today is Theme Day on CDP and the theme is Shadows. To see how over a hundred fellow-bloggers from around the world have interpreted this theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants. You will be surprised and delighted and entranced.

30 April 2009

Rue Longue - Porte Saint-Julien

Rue Longue has two medieval portes, one at each end. Here we see Porte Saint-Julien at the eastern end of the street - ie nearest to Italy. The original name was Porta Julia. With both entrances closed, the town was protected from invaders.

Later, in 1687, a chain barred the entrance and a tax had to be paid to the Count of Ventimiglia by merchants who wanted to sell their wares in Menton. This import duty was known as the 'droit de chaîne.'

29 April 2009

Rue Longue - Number 56

Two signs, and three decidedly different periods in the history of this house in Rue Longue.

The red and white sign, and the most recent, is of a now defunct Halal grocery shop. Alongside, an inscription on the wall. This is the most interesting inscription in all of Rue Longue - even considering Gaspard de Bottini's house at no. 129.

There are three parts to this inscription: the first being the monogram of Christ which is in the centre. The second, the initials of the proprietor (B.T.) in 1542 and the third, the initials of another proprietor (M.M.) in 1855.

As you can see this building is in desperate need of some T.L.C.

For those of you interested in the history of Menton, do take a look at Eddy's blog, D'Hier a Aujourd'hui. Eddy is the husband of Catherine, who many know from her lovely Just the Five of Us blog. Eddy and Catherine have an apartment in Menton that they visit during most school holidays. Their absolute love of Menton shows in all their postings about the town. Eddy's blog features old postcards alongside a photograph of that same place today and commentary giving us the history. Fascinating it is. Do take a look.

28 April 2009

Wisteria in Place aux Herbes

The last day of this short 'wisteria in Menton' series. We're in Place aux Herbes looking at the signs above this charming little bar.

27 April 2009

Le Clos du Peyronnet - Wisteria 3

Another pergola at the beautiful Clos du Peyronnet. This glorious garden is in Garavan and just 200 metres from the Italian frontier.

A cup of tea with William, sitting at this table is heaven - looking (to the left of this photo) over beautiful pools (plus ducks) and beyond to the Mediterranean - it is absolutely my favourite Menton garden.

This wisteria - click to enlarge the smaller photo - is called 'Black Dragon.'

This is the last photo of the Clos for the moment but we will return for a series on this beautiful garden later in the year. Tomorrow, the last in the 'wisteria' series, and this time at Place des Herbes in the Old Town.

26 April 2009

Le Clos du Peyronnet - Wisteria 2

Here we see the enormous size of these wisteria plants, the trunks almost as wide as the columns. There is more than one variety planted along this pergola. Some years back one of the pillars was broken in two by the strength of the wisteria - but again, it was its very strength that prevented the pillar actually falling. Recently William had it replaced - an exceedingly delicate operation.

In the past, William has given 'wisteria parties' in April - a wonderful way to admire these ancient plants in bloom.

25 April 2009

Le Clos du Peyronnet - Wisteria

Indulge me! I know we are supposed to be continuing our visit to Rue Longue - and we will, we will, but I just wanted to show you some of Menton's wisteria before it disappears.

The Clos du Peyronnet is one of Menton's famous gardens, in this case, one of the very few private gardens in Menton that is open for garden tours and to the general public on certain days in June. It's owned by William Waterfield and I plan a series on the Clos - we have a treat ahead - but over the next few days, we'll just look at various wisterias. Then back to Rue Longue.

I took this yesterday afternoon. This particular wisteria is almost over - William said it was at its best two weeks ago. These few fronds tho, high up, still show their long, narrow form and beautiful delicacy.

24 April 2009

Easter Monday People - the Chefs

They were sitting on a bench in front of the sea, their restaurant, Coté Sud, behind them. Four guys, one girl. The girl didn't want to be photographed. Here are four smiling Italians. Need I say more. Che bello!

23 April 2009

Easter Monday People - Roller Bat and Ball

Don't kids wear the greatest gear? Pink for a little girl.

These two were playing, one on blades, one not, near to the old port of Menton.

Do take a look at Catherine's blog today to see a wonderfully ORANGE view of Menton.

22 April 2009

Easter Monday People - the Artisan

This is Noel, a ferronnier (craftsman in wrought iron) who has his workshop on Place du Petit Port in Menton. I was taking a photo of an empty wine bottle hanging on a wrought iron hook outside his door. Seemed to me strange - why a bottle and not a sign? Then he appeared and one hour later I left!

Noel is 83 years old and still works in fer forgé. He showed me inside his workshop. He proudly showed me a programme of a 1950 exhibition where his work was displayed alongside that of Pablo Picasso. And then he pulled out a fat bunch of photographs of all his work and that's why one hour later I left...

It's amazing the characters one meets just wandering around and all with a story to tell.

21 April 2009

Easter Monday People - Ice Cream

"I doubt whether the world holds for anyone a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice cream."

~Heywood Broun

20 April 2009

Easter Monday People - the Dishy Italian

There I was, about to take a shot of the 'rampes,' the steps that lead up to Rue Longue, when I noticed this handsome young man. I loved the contrast of the colours of the building and he in black and white.

I thought if I was clever I'd sneak a shot of him, but he was too quick for me. He smiled. I smiled. I said, 'I'll take 'your' photograph then,' dragging my camera away from the rampes (so difficult!) and then he waved. I asked him if I could take another and later he gave me his email address to send him the photos, which I've done.

(P.S. I found it hard to choose which photo I preferred. I might yet change them around. What do you think?)

Italian men! Seems to me they are all gorgeous. Thanks, Giorgio!

19 April 2009

Easter Monday People - the Guitarist and her Dog

We've left our visit to Rue Longue - just for a few days (we'll be back, I promise).

I went to Rue Longue on Easter Monday to take more photographs of that ancient street but on the way there and back, I got to meet some interesting people - and wanted you to meet them too.

This is Virginie. She is often to be seen on the streets of Menton playing and singing - and she has a really beautiful voice. She lives in a van with her two dogs. The one you see is Tequila, her Yorkie who has recently been sterilized, because her other dog, a Jack Russell 'got at her' and she had five puppies. I suggested she castrate the Jack Russell but she didn't want to do that as he guards her and her van. Sleeping alone at night in her van, I understand.

Don't you love her footwear! Bells on her toes. A great sound with the guitar.

Notice the wisteria in the background of the photo below. It's a particular beautiful variety - pale, with much longer flower fronds than normal. I love it's delicacy. More pics of Virginie and Tequila and the wisteria on Riviera Dogs today.

18 April 2009

Rue Longue - Traverse des Diamants

This narrow vaulted passage allows us to walk from Rue Longue down to the sea. It was originally built for the Princes giving direct access to a landing stage.

Legend has it that the ladies of the Prince's Palace often lost their jewelry in this obscure traverse so the Mentonnais would quickly run to the passageway as soon as one of the grand ladies had passed by. Much more likely, is that the moon on the sea resembled the shine of a diamond.

There is much, much more to show you in Rue Longue - the Palais Princier, the Hôtel Pretti and so on - but tomorrow, for a day or two, I want to introduce you to a few people I met over the Easter break in Menton. But we'll be back to Rue Longue, I promise.

17 April 2009

Rue Longue - the Photographer's Assistant

The little girl is being filmed but it is she who is telling the photographer how to use the camera.

Before I zoomed in on this beautiful child, I was attempting to take a photograph of Rue Longue in relation to the old port and the beach. About half way down Rue Longue there is this gap in the houses. You see the steps that go down to the lower level and the sea. These steps - or 'rampes' - continue on the other side of Rue Longue - to our right - climbing ever higher and enabling us to reach the Parvis St. Michel and Basilica.

At the base of the steps that you see in this photo, you will find THIS.

16 April 2009

Rue Longue - the Old Lock

Here are details of the old lock and, in the smaller photograph, the doorknob - see yesterday's post.

The door knob wobbles but who cares?

Look at that old door, riddled with woodworm, yet still going strong after 466 years.

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