26 September 2009

Procession Votive - Time to Reflect

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

The procession is over. Time for a welcome bottle of water, to chat, to relax, to reflect on a job well done. Note the helmet stuffed with newspaper in the smaller photo.

25 September 2009

Procession Votive - La Chapelle de la Pausa - Inside

This chapel is tiny. Really. A few steps and you've covered the width or length of it, Take a look at the exterior in yesterday's post. And of course it was crowded with people, not a chance of using a tripod of even resting the camera somewhere.

So here it is. Frescoes everywhere. I love it. Do you?

24 September 2009

Procession Votive - La Chapelle de la Pausa

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

La Chapelle de la Pausa is where the Procession Votive ends. I took these photos earlier in the day, the iron gate to this tiny chapel is closed but it's been decorated with bunches of flowers to celebrate the occasion. The chapel was built in the 15th century at the time of the plague of 1467 and in response to the prayers of the village being answered. The plague passed them by.

I've walked past this chapel hundreds and hundreds of times and have never been able to gain access to see the beautiful frescoes that we can almost see beyond the iron gates.

Tomorrow - the gates are opened and we enter.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive which dates back to 1467.

23 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Golden Effigy

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

The Procession Votive has arrived at the Chapelle de la Pausa - see smaller photo.

Today, another look at the rather wonderful golden effigy. In previous posts we've seen it from the rear.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive which dates back to 1467.

22 September 2009

Procession Votive - Almost There

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

The Procession Votive, followed by villagers and visitors, is now on the final push towards the Chapelle de la Pausa.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive which dates back to 1467.

21 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Young Photographer

Emotion, wonder, concentration as the Procession Votive passes.

Does the young photographer's 'thumbs up' signify she got a good shot?

20 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Silhouette

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

The crowd is following the effigy we saw yesterday. Notice the tiny silhouette of crown and cherubs which has already passed through the archway.

You can see the crown and cherubs on top of the effigy in the smaller photo.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive which dates back to 1467.

19 September 2009

Procession Votive - Careful now!

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

This is the final part of the procession before we leave the village and start the walk down to the Chapelle de la Pausa.

The golden effigy has to be carried through this medieval entrance to the village without damage. It is lowered and, as in the main photo, carried through with great care.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive which dates back to 1467.

18 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Spectators

Looking down as the procession approaches, these two ladies are obviously enjoying the spectacle.

This photograph surprised me when I eventually saw it on the screen. The lady on the left is the double of my maternal grandmother. Perhaps it's simply the shape of her face and her hairstyle? It shocked me though. I'd clicked so quickly and not noticed her features when I took the shot.

I love taking photographs but then there is the moment to see the result, sometimes pleasing, often disappointing and occasionally a personal surprise like this. Trying to imagine my grandmother in the south of France doesn't work though - she lived a very different life.

17 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Archway

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

This is the same scene as yesterday but now they are leaving the Medieval village and are about to walk through the ancient archway that leads to the Chemin de Menton, en route to the Chapelle de la Pausa - our destination.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive which dates back to 1467.

16 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Effigy

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

The crucifixon is over. The effigy of Christ is carried through the village.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive which dates back to 1467.

15 September 2009

Procession Votive - Mary

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

The strong Mediterranean face of this beautiful woman seems so right to take the part of Mary or Mary Magdalen.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village - dating back to 1467.

14 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Cross

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

As the procession continued through the village, it was hard not to be moved - regardless of religion - when Jesus appeared, trying to carry the massive cross and being beaten as he did so.

There were four young men portraying Christ - all wearing wigs, of course, and all portraying different events in his life.

Why the costumes are so bright, I don't know but it made for a very theatrical experience and was so well done.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village - dating back to 1467.

13 September 2009

Procession Votive - the King

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

What I love about this Procession is that the players - all villagers - take their parts very seriously. No one fools around.

Here we see King Herod or is it Caesar?

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village - dating back to 1467.

12 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Hat

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

A young spectator at the Procession Votive.

"And all your future lies beneath your hat."
~ John Oldham

11 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Bad Man

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

The man on the horse? Perhaps he's Caesar - or Pontius Pilate? You get the feeling he'd be the 'baddie' in a film, don't you?

The horse came from the village of Gorbio and in the smaller photo you see him waiting for his big moment. He wasn't tied up and left alone. His owner and a friend kept a very careful eye on him and made sure he was comfortable.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village - dating back to 1467.

10 September 2009

Procession Votive - Introducing the Tableau

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

The Procession Votive traces the life of Jesus. Each 'station' is introduced by a child of the village holding a sign - in this case, the Flagellation. The innocence and beauty of the young girl makes it all the more poignant.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village - dating back to 1467.

09 September 2009

Procession Votive - Anticipation

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

The streets are narrow and people perch where they can. The only seating is what you see in the last photo. I noticed a few chairs weren't taken and asked the Mayor if they were for dignitaries and he told me, 'No for anyone - make yourself comfortable.' So I sat in one for a few moments but then decided I'd rather be standing and moving about to take photos.

Tomorrow the Procession starts.

To read the history of the Procession Votive please click on the link.

08 September 2009

Procession Votive - The Olive Garden

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

We're almost at the village. We pass this public garden of olive trees on the right and if we sit on one of those benches, the view we see is in the smaller photograph.

We are looking across to Menton - you can see the church steeples of Menton rising up out of the Old Town. And beyond we look towards Ventimiglia and Bordighera in Italy.

The procession will go from the church in the village and finish at a pretty little chapel that is opposite this olive garden, when it will be full of people - but we'll see that at the end of this little series.

To read the history of the Procession Votive please click on the link.

07 September 2009

Procession Votive - First we Walk

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Like this couple, we are walking to the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village. There's no point in driving as the car parks will be full. We've parked in a side street way below, with access to the old donkey track leading from Menton to Roquebrune. It's not a hard walk as the track is mostly restored but it's uphill all the way and as you can see by these people's clothes - or lack of them - it's a very hot day. Fortunately we'll find benches along the way and can take a rest if we need it.

To read the history of the Procession Votive please look at yesterday's post or click on the link.

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