05 November 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - the Sea and the Sky

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

You can see the walk was worth it. The sea is in sight and on the left we pass another shrine. Not far now...

“There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul”

~ Victor Hugo

04 November 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - the Cats' Shrine

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

At first glance it appears this old lady, this exceedingly old lady, is praying at the shrine or tending flowers, albeit false ones. Not so.

There is a large hole in the corner of the wire netting and she is filling bowls with food and water for the wild cats in this area.

On the wall above her head, two of them are waiting...

03 November 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - the Shrines

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Today we'll take a look inside three of the shrines. With iron bars and wire netting protecting the frescoes, they are not easy to photograph.

There are 15 shrines, all numbered. I assumed they represent the Stations of the Cross but was corrected by the nun I met in the monastery who told me they are the Stations of the Rosary.

The shrines were restored in the last century - the work done by well known artists of the region.

02 November 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - Onwards & Upwards

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

We keep on walking. As you see, it's a fair old hike ever upwards but we stop and look at each of the shrines (there's one on the right).

'Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize.'

~ Elizabeth Harrison

01 November 2009

Theme day - 'Doorways' - Rubble in Rue Longue

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

It's Theme Day again with the theme being 'doorways.' We are in Rue Longue in Menton. This building is being renovated and so the rubble is put into bags to await collection. No room in this narrow medieval street for a skip.

To see how at least 100 City Daily Photo bloggers from around the world have interpreted today's Theme, do click on the link to be delighted and intrigued. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

31 October 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - the Frieze

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

We turn the corner from yesterday's shrine and on the right find a house with this beautiful frieze. (In the smaller photo, we are looking back at the house, so you can see we are only a little way above sea-level - long way to go yet).

The friezes of Menton, Monaco and the hill villages are celebrated, some so beautiful you want to jump up and down with delight.

Don't you love that a real dove, or perhaps a pigeon, has left its calling card on the top of the shutter...

This is for Virginia of Birmingham, Alabama DP who has posted pigeons (take a look) on Paris Through My Lens today. Even tho it's not Paris, here's a little bit of France for you, Virginia.

30 October 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade - Stations of the Rosary

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

We've started the walk. Bottles of water in our rucksacks.

Here we see one of the 15 shrines built in the 17th century and restored in the 20th. They represent the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary.

In 1660, Isabelle of Monaco, sister of Prince Louis 1, was cured of leprosy after a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Peypin and so she built these fifteen station of the Rosary along this road leading to the chapel.

29 October 2009

Walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade

The Monastery of l'Annonciade sits way above Menton - and tomorrow we start the walk, which is really a sort of pilgrimage as we climb the Chemin du Rosaire and pass what I thought were the Stations of the Cross but are in fact the Stations of the Rosary. All will be revealed...

This photograph was taken from sea level at a distance of 1.4 kilometres, as the seagull flies, so that explains the grainy look to the photo. And yes, those are vines below the monastery - and vines mean wine!

28 October 2009

Chess in the Jardin Biovès

A chess board and pieces, with the Jardins Biovès and hills as a backdrop. The 8th Open International Chess Tournament is taking place at the Palais de l'Europe (the building on the right with the flags) at the moment.

In the smaller photo, you see the poster, with one of Menton's beautiful steeples depicted as a chess piece, set against the facade of the Old Town.

27 October 2009

Lunch for Three

Dogs are allowed in most restaurants in France - I love that. This couple are eating a plate of Fruits de Mer on the terrace of the Restaurant le Lido in the Place aux Herbes in Menton. Their Golden Retriever sits waiting - hoping for a morsel...I think he's got his eye on that lobster.

26 October 2009

Fête de la Branda - Hot and Steamy

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

This is the third year I've photographed the Fête de la Branda for Menton Daily Photo and so I won't do more than show this photograph of the process this time. (you can always look back to the beginning of October in previous years for more information.) Suffice to say the 'Branda' is the marc or eau de vie that is distilled from the twigs and grape skins after wine is made. It's very strong!

In the photo the alambic (still) is being emptied (see the steaming wheelbarrow) and the man on top is cleaning out the still, which is hot and hard work. Soon it will be filled with fresh grape skins and twigs and water of course and later we'll hear drip, drip, drip, as the 'fire water' drips into a plastic bucket.

25 October 2009

Fête de la Branda - Touch

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."

~ William Shakespeare

24 October 2009

Fête de la Branda -Dogs à la Mode

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

The Fête de la Branda in Gorbio draws an enormous number of visitors, many of whom bring their dogs with them.

Chihuahuas and pretty ladies who wear lots of jewelry seem to go together. Some people love them, some don't - they do seem to have become rather à la mode with so many actresses walking around with them in their handbags...

These two live in Ventimiglia, just across the Italian border. The long-haired one is called Shogun and the smooth-haired white one is called Tokyo and as you can see in the last photo, little Tokyo isn't just a lap dog - he has no fear of a dog bigger than himself.

In the cage behind them, are chickens and guinea pigs for sale.

23 October 2009

Fête de la Branda -the Proud Mama

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

Would you have known, looking at the first photograph, that this lady is proudly holding a baby goat?

Hopefully he wasn't the one who emptied the pie dish.

22 October 2009

Fête de la Branda -Pissaladière & Pichade Mentonnaise

This lady has been cooking since 6 a.m. and is selling her pissaladière outside her house.

Pissaladière is a speciality of this area, particularly Nice. I suppose you could call it a type of pizza - the base is pâte à pain - a bread dough made with flour, olive oil, yeast, salt and pepper. It's filled with onions that have been cooked very slowly and then garlic, anchovies and those small and tasty Niçois black olives are added. This lady has prepared some without anchovies, as not everyone likes them.

Some are made with tomatoes which is when Pissaladiere becomes Pichade Mentonnaise - a speciality of Menton.

All for one euro a slice. Not bad, eh! You are looking at my lunch that day and delicious it was too.

21 October 2009

Fête de la Branda -Argan Oil

The stall holders in Gorbio are getting ready for the day. This lady will be selling products made from huile d'Argan (argan oil) and as you see, she's having a fair amount of trouble fixing her publicity material. In the last photo, she's waiting for a fellow stall holder to give her a pin or clip to fix it.

Argan Oil comes from the seed of a Moroccan tree called arganier spinosa - you can read about its properties by clicking on the link.

20 October 2009

Fête de la Branda - Clip-Clop on the Cobbles

It's not often you see donkeys in Gorbio village - or good looking donkey handlers, come to that.

The occasion was the recent Fête de la Branda and this year the organisers planned an animal area at the top of the village in front of the Château.

Makes you think of how it would have been in medieval times, as you hear the clip-clop, clip-clop of the donkeys' feet on the ancient cobbles - a sound I just love.

19 October 2009

Alain Delon and the Young Girl

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

A young Alain Delon on the cover of a book and a pretty young girl lunching at Le Balico in Menton. I love that the patron displays interesting books around the tables.

Note: Since posting this, sadly Le Balico has been sold and is now under new management and with different decor.

18 October 2009


A metre or so along from yesterday's lady on a bench is this tree - behind it, the sea. Looking at the flower I thought it must be an orchid tree - a Bauhinia - but the leaves are not Bauhinia leaves and the flower is more rigid. Does anyone know what it is?

P.S: Thanks so much to Semi who left a comment that this is Chorisia Speciosa.

17 October 2009

Heaven and Earth...

We're back in Menton just in front of the market building. (This was taken 9 days ago -it's a little chillier now)

Lord! when you sell a man a book you don't sell just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Love and friendship and humour and ships at sea by night - there's all heaven and earth in a book, a real book.

~Christopher Morley

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