28 May 2010

Street Theatre - Flags

Here are some of the younger performers having great fun on bicycles, bouncing on balls and running around with the Italian and French flags.

Almost done with the kids' Street Theatre. There are loads more photos but it's time to move on. So last day tomorrow or perhaps the day after - and then onwards - so many other things to show you.

27 May 2010

Street Theatre - Smiles of a Summer's Day

Faces - ready to go. The girl above is about to put a piece of chewing gum in her mouth. The girl on the left - a cigarette.

The girls below are simply putting on a smile.

26 May 2010

Street Theatre - the Girl in Blue

This piece of street theatre is about a girl (the actress in blue) who is teased/bullied/ostracised by the confident girls in the last photo. She falls apart and has a breakdown. The scene above shows her shortly after her arrival at a psychiatric hospital.

25 May 2010

Street Theatre - Isolation

This young girl sat on the bollard for well over an hour, sometimes texting, sometimes just staring into space, yet never seeing - always totally isolated from what was going on. Look at the girl on the far left of the top photo - she has noticed her and perhaps her isolation.

'If isolation tempers the strong, it is the stumbling-block of the uncertain.'

~ Paul Cezanne

24 May 2010

Street Theatre - the Italian Teacher

Somehow the teachers kept control of their adolescent students.

'No bubble is so iridescent or floats longer than that blown by the successful teacher.'

~ William Osler

23 May 2010

Street Theatre - Lipstick

'Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.'

~ Gwyneth Paltrow

22 May 2010

Street Theatre - the Audience

'Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.'
~ Alfred Hitchcock

21 May 2010

Street Theatre - the Dying Sea

This is the ending of a piece of theatre about the Mediterranean and about the sailors and fishermen who have died in it. It was in Italian which I don't speak, but we had sea and sirens and death. I think this young girl represents the death of the Mediterranean but then again, I could be completely wrong...

20 May 2010

Street Theatre - the Italian Boy

Each year in May around 1000 children and young people descend on Menton to entertain - and make us think - with street theatre - song, dance, mime and drama. They are part of a Franco-Italian organisation from Liguria and the Piedmont in Italy and from the Var and of course from the Alpes-Maritimes - our area. So come with me and enjoy a few days seeing what they got up to.

This young man is Italian and he and his group were really good actors. The first shot was taken whilst he was hanging out with his friends - most were preparing their make-up. The shot below shows him in performance with his group - at this moment they are in a psychiatric hospital.

19 May 2010

The Rotten Clementine

Take a Provence bowl with a raised pattern in the base. Place within several Menton clementines. Wait a few days - perhaps a week or so - and when just one is left in the bowl - but be sure to choose the day when you really fancy eating it, when you've no more fruit in the house, then - pick it up and find the lower half has rotted. Voila!

18 May 2010

The Blue Bottle

Have you seen white wine in a blue bottle before? This is called Out of the Blue - unusual to see a French wine with an English name. This is a Côte de Provence - shared at La Pergola some weeks ago with the lovely Nathalie from Avignon in Photos.

17 May 2010

Les Poupées

One of the best bric-a-brac markets takes place from time to time near to the Stade at the end of the Sablettes beach. This stall had a display of old dolls - poupées in French.

16 May 2010

The Bicycle

This is part of the regular Sunday market that sells antiques and bric-a-brac in the Place aux Herbes and in square below.

Perhaps this man should have bought a bigger bike!

15 May 2010

High Heels

Photographer, model - and those shoes - at Cap Martin.

14 May 2010

The Individual

The story starts in the photo below, where all the children are in one group on the Sablettes beach. Then this gorgeous little boy takes off by himself. An individual in the making, wouldn't you say?

13 May 2010


He may need a sanding machine to deal with those heels but at least summer is here - well it was on the day I took this - and yes, looking out over the sea, it looks as if today will be a good one too. Hope yours is.

12 May 2010

The Late Colomba

On the back of the bike is a Colomba. La Colomba is a panettone (a light Italian cake-like bread) in the shape of a dove, sold in Italy and of course in Menton at Easter. Easter has gone and so they are being sold off cheaply and before they are past their sell-by date.

You can buy them filled with candied citrus, topped with almonds or there's a version with chocolate - all delicious and particularly good with a sweet liqueur. And if your panettone gets stale, why you toast it!

11 May 2010

The Cobweb

There's beauty everywhere in Menton and the surrounding villages. Here's a little niche above a door lintel in the medieval village of Gorbio - a spider's web joins the faces of the monk and the child he holds in his arms. Note the date on the lintel - 1659 or is it 1689 (hard to read)

10 May 2010

The Birth of Venus

We're in the gardens of the Palais Carnoles, one of Menton's museums. The gardens contain the largest collection of citrus in Menton and that's saying something in the city of citrus. Many sculptures are displayed in the garden - here is The Birth of Venus by Oreste Conti.

09 May 2010

Brocante - Triplets

Yesterday Barbie dolls, today the boys. Maybe they should meet?

'Sufficient unto the day is one baby. As long as you are in your right mind don't you ever pray for twins. Twins amount to a permanent riot; and there ain't any real difference between triplets and a insurrection.'
~ Mark Twain

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