03 July 2010

Churchill amidst the Citrus

The gardens of the Palais Carnoles in Menton display sculptures amongst their famous collection of citrus trees. This is Sir Winston Churchill by the Dutch sculptor Kees Verkade who lives in Monaco.

02 July 2010

Reflections - 2

A beautiful blue sky? Wrong! In fact the main photo is upside-down. You can see it correctly displayed in the small photo on the left. And below, of course, you see a reflection the way I took it - focusing on the water only.

We are in the gardens of the Serre de la Madone in Menton where visitors are enjoying the pool and taking photographs.

01 July 2010

Reflections - the Dead Bird

This dog wants to hold on to the wing of a dead sea bird that he's found on the beach. His owner wants it off him. Eventually the owner won.

Today is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community. To see how others around the world have interpreted the theme of 'reflections' do click on the link. You won't be disappointed. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

30 June 2010

Serre de la Madone - an Archway

Everywhere you look in this Menton garden you find beauty.

(an extra post today to make up for the one I missed yesterday when I had no internet access. Grrrrrrr)

29 June 2010

Walk to the Golden Onion

No internet for the last 24 hours! So a quick post to catch up.

See the golden onion on top of the Russian chapel in the cemetery? (top right) - this perhaps gives an idea of how far it is to walk up through the glorious Old Town to the cemetery. No one should visit Menton without making this walk.

28 June 2010

All Dressed Up

It's dusk in Gorbio village and this pretty lady is all dressed up for the evening.

Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.


She knows...

27 June 2010

The Sea Bicycle

Have you ever seen a stationary bike that goes in the sea? 10 euros an hour and its yours...

26 June 2010

The Arabian Horses - the Backdrop

Last day of the Arabian horses and the weather wasn't good as you can see.

One of the joys of this show is not just the horses - who are stunningly beautiful of course - but the setting at the foot of the Old Town of Menton. Not a bad place to hold a horse event.

25 June 2010

The Arabian Horses - Mud!

What I didn't tell you yesterday was that we'd had a lot of rain and the 'stade' was a sea of mud - well, wet sand I suppose. As you see, not a surface to negotiate in high heels! Horses too - one slipped and fell but happily no harm done.

24 June 2010

The Arabian Horses - the Young Colt

Those gorgeous Arabians were in Menton over the weekend for the annual Mediterranean and Arab Countries Arabian Horse Championship.

This young colt and handler are in the holding ring.

23 June 2010

The Crash Helmet

'When I grow up I want to be a little boy.'

~ Joseph Heller

22 June 2010

Les Sablettes

Summer? Is it finally here?

We are looking at the Old Town with the Sablettes beach below. This is a public beach and at the far end, you'll find the 'Fish Spa' we saw yesterday.

21 June 2010

A Thousand Kisses...

Fancy getting rid of that dead skin on your feet? Easy - give the 'cleaner fish' some lunch!

This is the first 'Fish Spa' on a beach in France (Les Sablettes in Menton) and is advertised as an ecological way to clean your feet with a 'thousand kisses' from the 'massage' or 'doctor' fish. It costs 10 euros for 15 minutes. 18 euros for two adults. 5 for a child and if you want an hour it will cost you 28 euros. The water is treated constantly with ultra violet light to keep it clean - this also makes the fish sterile.

Fish Spas are a fashionable treatment to be found in Japan, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, the USA and the Philippines, usually in beauty parlours or attached to aquariums. It's not a new idea - the most famous is the Kangal Spa in Turkey which has been in operation since the early 1900's.

I asked if the fish are fed and the guy said he gives very little food as the best nourishment for them is dead skin.

Would you have a 'Fish Spa' treatment?

20 June 2010


Perhaps he's texting the fish...

19 June 2010

Power Boat Racing - the Start and the Photographer

Look first at the photographer below. That's the camera I need to take a good shot. Never mind, the best I could do on a dull day. The boat is the starter boat about to let them go on this particular heat.

18 June 2010

Power Boat Racing - the Launch

Recently Menton held a two-day festival of Power Boat Racing. The sun had deserted us but it didn't stop the enthusiasm of contestants as their boats were winched up and then lowered into the sea.

17 June 2010


Lavender in the square near the ancient Château of Gorbio.

The sign says -

Thankyou for not cutting the lavender - (the residents).

16 June 2010

Vernissage in the Village - Manish Nai Limbachiya

The young Indian artist Manish Nai Limbachiya wasn't able to attend the Vernissage but was represented by his agent, a lovely Indian lady called Sharan - small photo.

Manish Nai Limbachiya was born in 1980 in Mumbai. From a simple family, his father owned a jute factory but he lost his sight in the Mumbai bombings and now Manish Nai works in jute, removing or retaining individual threads in designs that represent sound waves. His father can feel with his fingers exactly what his son has created.

In the main photo, you can see the beautiful vaulted ceiling of the restored Château in Gorbio village which makes a great exhibition space.

Note: Some of you may remember the village wedding a couple of years ago. In particular a photo of a lady with arthritic hands. That same lady is on the left of the photo above. Do click to see her then.

15 June 2010

Vernissage in the Village - the Introduction

Meet Monsieur Luc Lanlo. Luc is a distinguished gentleman who lives half the year in Gorbio and half in Menton. He is Art Advisor on Modern and Contemporary Indian Art and at one time was Deputy Mayor of Menton and Cultural Advisor.

This evening, standing under one of the olive trees, he is introducing the artists to the crowd gathered in front of the Château at the top of the village.

Watching a Frenchman's hands as he talks is the best entertainment. They do it so expressively and adorably. Look carefully at his left hand and that precise way the thumb and first finger touch. Poetry!

In the smaller photo we see the Mayor of Gorbio, Monsieur Michel Isnard, himself a distinguished artist and a mayor who works tirelessly for the village, bringing us so many fabulous cultural activities as we'll see as the summer goes on. In the centre is one of the artists, Michèle Kleijnen, whose work we saw yesterday.

14 June 2010

Vernissage in the Village - the Installation

Not only is Gorbio one of the most beautiful medieval perched villages in the Alpes-Maritimes, it is also one that promotes so many cultural events during the year.

A couple of nights ago, at the recently restored château at the top of the village, there was a vernissage presenting the work of two talented young artists.

Here we see Michèle Kleijnen, a Belgian artist, who lives and works at her atelier in Menton. Colour, as you can see, is her passion and here she has worked with bamboo creating this installation. You can read about Michèle and and see more of her body of work by clicking on the link.

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