The Artist
Our last day in Gorbio - finally the story of the church's new facade comes to an end. It's part of the village now and visitors are surprised to learn it's new - it gives one the feeling it's been there for several hundred years.
This is the man responsible for its creation - Monsieur François Zanatta, the artist/frescoist who has worked for six long months painting the facade. Such a nice man and so self-effacing - when I tell him what a brilliant artist he is, he'll say 'Oh no, it's what I do.' But as you can see in the small photo, I'm not the only one who feels the need to congratulate Monsieur Zanatta for the great job he and his assistant have done.
The company Viotti & Soulier from Monaco employ 20 artists/artisans who produce work of this quality. It's so good to know that the old skills - trompe l'oeil, false wood and marble effects, restoration of old friezes etc are alive and well.
So - finally - we get to the end of this series. It's taken rather too long and I do thank everyone who stuck with the story. Your comments have kept me going!
Tomorrow, Menton and the joys of the water!