29 September 2016

Cash and carry in Naples

Cash and carry....

28 September 2016

Naples - Blonde and brunette

Blonde or brunette...

27 September 2016


Naples - Italian girl in work mode, carrying heavy buckets.  Italian man in work mode, carrying a water bottle!

26 September 2016

Naples meat

Naples ... meat.

25 September 2016

Naples: girl talk

Girl talk in Naples.

24 September 2016

Ducks in Naples

Graffitti and tags are an integral part of the fabulous life of Naples. Love the duck!

23 September 2016



22 September 2016

Procida 2

Procida, a stunningly beautiful island an hour by ferry from Naples.

21 September 2016


Our last day at Carla Coulson's amazing Naples photography workshop.  This is the island of Procida where we had our last lunch together. A fantastic week of learning -  Carla is such a generous and caring teacher - and meeting so many incredibly talented fellow students.  Naples and Carla = heaven for me! Thank you, dearest Carla.

20 September 2016

Naples from above

Naples from above ...

19 September 2016

Naples - the Spanish quarter

The Spanish quarter of Naples. 

18 September 2016

Drama in Naples

I never did discover what this was all about - but as no dead bodies fell from the window, presumably all was well! Just life as it goes on in Naples, the most amazing place.

17 September 2016

Nighttime Naples

Naples by night.

16 September 2016

Naples 3


15 September 2016

Naples 2

Everyone smiles in Naples!

14 September 2016


Naples, Italy.

13 September 2016

A Toy or a Real Dog?

Menton market:  maybe someone should buy the little girl a real dog...

The one on the right is a Keeshond. It's an old German breed, originally called a Wolfspitz.  The Keeshond was once a companion and watchdog on the barges and boats that traveled the canals and rivers of Holland in the 17th and 18th centuries and so it later became known as a Dutch Barge Dog or Keeshond.


Marché Menton : peut-être que quelqu'un devrait acheter un vrai chien à la petite fille ...?

Celui de droite est un Keeshond. C'est une vieille race allemande et à l'origine on l'appelait un Wolfspitz. Le Keeshond était autrefois un compagnon et chien de garde sur les barges et les bateaux qui naviguaient sur les canaux et les rivières de la Hollande aux 17e et 18e siècles et plus tard il a été   reconnu comme un Chien Péniche néerlandais ou Keeshond.

12 September 2016

Two men on a bench

One man looks at me and the other one pretends I'm not there! But neither minded. Martina Franca, Puglia in 2014.


Un homme me regarde et l'autre prétend que je ne suis pas là! Mais ni l'un ni l'autre n'est dérangé. Martina Franca, Pouilles en 2014.

11 September 2016

Italian Mamas

Love southern Italy and those fabulous Italian Mamas enjoying life on the beach.
J'adore l' Italie du Sud et ces fabuleuses Mammas italiennes profitant de la vie sur la plage.

10 September 2016


Touching devotion in the Mother Church of Assumption, prior to the procession of Saint Antonio of Padua in Ceglie Messapica, Puglia, Italy.  


Touchante dévotion  dans l'Eglise Sainte  Mère de l'Assomption, avant la procession de Saint Antoine de Padoue à Ceglie Messapica, Pouilles, Italie.

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