07 November 2016



Naples:  guys watching television.  No prizes to guess what they are looking at!

05 November 2016

Lady in red

Naples again ... and 'Lady in Red.'

04 November 2016


Place aux Herbes, Menton.

03 November 2016


The Monument for those who died for France in Roquebrune village.

30 October 2016

Boys' games

Boys' games in a backstreet of Naples.

29 October 2016


It's Saturday morning, let's have a handsome Neapolitan to welcome in the weekend!

28 October 2016

Football crazy

 Naples: this guy has plastered his garage with posters of footballers - got a feeling he's crazy about the game!

26 October 2016

Reflections in a Bentley

Casino Square reflected in the wing of a Bentley - which is about right for Monte Carlo! (photo: 2013)

23 October 2016


The Spanish quarter, Naples.

22 October 2016

La Topia

Love this old Renault outside La Topia restaurant in Menton.

21 October 2016

Double chat

Monte Carlo Pavilions.

19 October 2016


'Remember the most valuable antiques are dear old friends.' 

~  H. Jackson Brown, Jnr

18 October 2016

Naples - a character from 'The Godfather'

Naples - something about this guy reminds me of Robert Duvall in the The Godfather!

17 October 2016


Shoemender's shop ... in Naples.

16 October 2016


Here's my lunch the other day - a truly delicious salmon and prawn lasagne created by chef, Francois (super photographer as well) at my favourite Monaco restaurant - le Baobab on Larvotto Beach. Great food, super friendly service - it's my home from home when I eat in Monaco - and not crazy expensive either.


Voici mon déjeuner l'autre jour - une  lasagne de saumon et crevettes vraiment délicieuse,  créée par le chef, François (super photographe également) dans mon restaurant préféré à Monaco - le Baobab sur la plage du Larvotto. La cuisine y est excellente, le service très sympa - c'est chez moi à la maison quand je déjeune à Monaco - et ce n'est pas follement cher non plus.


15 October 2016


Do you like to eat tripe?

14 October 2016

Scooters in Naples

Scooters have many uses ...

13 October 2016


Pensive ... in Naples.

12 October 2016

Life is too strange

'Life is too strange' ... that's lovely Beth (fellow student and talented photographer at Carla Coulson's recent Naples workshop) strutting her stuff, whilst the rest of us practiced panning.

11 October 2016

Seating area

Somewhere to sit in Naples ...

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