31 May 2007

Lunch near the market

Lunch time near the market. This restaurant specialises in seafood and is in Place aux Herbes.

30 May 2007

Spending a penny

You probably know what this is but if you don't, it's a public loo. You have to put 30 centimes in the slot and the curved door opens to a self-cleaning lavatory. This facility is just opposite the sea and behind it, you'll see St. John's, the Anglican church in Menton. You can see a better photograph of the church here.

Really so sorry I've not commented lately. After the 10 hour drive from a crazy busy dog show (which I'll write about on my Postcards blog) I now have a dreadful sore throat and cold. Collected my wonderful new car yesterday and promptly bashed it today! I'm not a happy camper. The car is automatic and unfortunately it doesn't hold in Drive - just slips back down my very steep track. Volkswagen tell me the slope is too steep to hold the car. They might have told me this when I ordered the damn thing! Don't ask, just don't ask.... but I will get around to comments soon and try and make up for my absence.

29 May 2007

Street vendor

This is typical of a street vendor in Menton - usually from north Africa. Here I love that he's grabbed a seat from the bakery/bar next door. Many sell illegal copies of branded named sunglasses, bags and wallet. However, these may not be copies as there seem to be rather a lot for him to whip up and off ground if the police walk by.

28 May 2007

Another look...

You've seen photographs of both the left and right facades in previous posts. On the right is the Basilique Saint- Michel. The construction of this church started in 1640 under the reign of Honoré II, Prince of Monaco and lasted for several centuries. The façade was altered in 1819 in the style and spirit of the 17th Century. This outside area will be hidden by raised seating in August, when the Menton Music Festival takes place.

(Just walked in the door - thanks so much for everyone who has commented whilst I've been away. Will try and catch up over the next few days - now it's wine time after a 10 hour drive and holds up for snow at the Gottard pass in Switzerland!)

27 May 2007

Roller blader

This child was taking a rest outside a shop in the pedestrian street of Menton.

26 May 2007

A glass of vino?

This is a new wine bar - only been open a month - is in Place aux Herbes.

25 May 2007

Dinner at Le Balico

Taken from a table at Le Balico the other evening. Expect more photos of Le B as it's a restaurant I really like. I posted a photo yesterday of this lovely square where you eat under the trees.

Note: Since posting this, sadly Le Balico has been sold and is now under new management.

24 May 2007

Place aux Herbes

This is the Place aux Herbes - on the right is Le Balico, my favourite Menton restaurant. The plane trees, now in full leaf, give the square shade and a chance to get away from the heat - and already it's very hot, and goodness, only May.

Tomorrow at the crack of dawn I'm leaving for the north of France to go to a dog show - the Euro-OES-Show in Gerardmer. (OES = Old English Sheepdog) Hope, with luck, to be able to post each day from the hotel computer. However, forgive me, but I won't be able to comment. Back on Monday night. woof woof

Note: Since posting this Le Balico has sadly been sold and is now under new management.

23 May 2007


A very small part of the jumble of buildings that makes up the Old Town.

22 May 2007

Flaky paint

This doorway was barely seen in an earlier posting - Service du Patrimoine. The shutters could do with a lick of paint and the door could be polished but really, it's nice as it is, don't you think?

21 May 2007

Window decor

Presumably the owner of this apartment never closes the shutters. Washing is hung out to dry on the lines near the window-sill. You'll notice the pegs. This apartment is just above l'Occitan, a restaurant near to the market in the Old Town. On reflection, it probably belongs to the restaurant owners, hence the decoration to jolly up the look of the restaurant facade below.

20 May 2007

A Mediterranean diet

The market is open every day - although some stalls close on Mondays. Here you see courgette flowers, which are stuffed and deep-fried. The fish in the foreground is, I think, rouget - red mullet. The courgettes in the lower right-hand photograph (zucchini) are the tiny variety but we are lucky enough to get courgettes in many forms. The best are the trompettes which I'll photograph for you another time. Here you can read about them.

19 May 2007


The steeples of St. Michel and of the Chapel of the Pénitents Blancs, seen from the market place below the old town.

18 May 2007

Little old ladies

Outside the main market, you'll always find little old ladies selling produce they grow on their land - perhaps in Menton, perhaps in one of the hill villages. You'll see this lady is selling homemade jams and chutneys and she has a few eggs for sale as well. Sorry I nearly chopped her head off in this second photo. (Oseille is sorrel.)

17 May 2007

A style of house

This is a longer view - this time taken from the front - of the building featured two days ago when you saw a close-up of the side of the building. The building faces the sea and is just by the casino. You can see the detailed photograph here. Abraham asked if this style of architecture has a name and I just don't know. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me can help. Certainly, many buildings have those lovely tall French windows, and that colour turquoise is much used in Menton.

16 May 2007

Green Gate

A entrance in the Vieille Ville. with the usual collection of exterior plumbing artwork.

15 May 2007

Just a small detail...

This is a detail from a building just across from the English church I showed the other day. It's on a corner, just in from the sea. You see this turquoise colour on many buildings: on shutters, pots, ceramic ornamentation.

14 May 2007

The Wilder Shores of Love

Lesley Blanch at her 100th birthday party in the gardens of the Clos du Perronet, Menton

Today I went to the beautiful and moving funeral of Lesley Blanch, the writer and traveller. It was held in the church of Roquebrune village. Roquebrune adjoins Menton. Lesley Blanch, who died at the age of 102, lived in Menton and was, at one time married to the writer and diplomat, Romain Gary. She was always known locally as Madame Gary. You can read her obituraries in The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph. Here is The Telegraph's obituary - it's worth reading - she was an amazing lady. Suffice to say I am privileged to have known her. The Wilder Shores of Love was Lesley's best known book - it has never been out of print since its first publication in 1954.

Inside the church awaiting arrival of coffin

The priest making the blessing with incense

Outside the church

13 May 2007

Unnatural fishing

Fishing off the rocks in Menton - this was taken in an area between the Old Town and Roquebrune-cap-Martin. Note: this breakwater is man-made, but what the hell....

12 May 2007

A jug apart

This ornate silver jug was for sale on the same stall that sold the silver champagne bowl featured the other day. You can see that lovely object here.

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