A couple of years ago a friend gave me this nesting box which I fixed under a corner of the terrace roof. I didn't think it was a 'real' nesting box, but probably 'garden decor' so it was a surprise when a month or so ago a couple of coal tits started checking it out - flew in, flew out again. Perhaps they thought the rent might be too high. Or perhaps it was simply unsuitable - too near humans (I eat at the terrace table) and of course, far too much noise from the dogs. But then they were back, checking it out again - it seemed the accommodation might do. Time passed and I thought they'd changed their minds, until a couple of weeks ago when things got busy. Suddenly Ma and Pa Coal Tit started flying in and out all day long, endlessly feeding their obviously now hatched brood. In their beaks: spiders, grasshoppers and little bits of the fatty balls I hang out for all the birds. And each day the chicks' cries got louder and more demanding.
Yesterday, over breakfast, for the first time, the chicks fluttered up to the tiny entrance and then dropped down again. It seemed it might soon be time for them to fly away.
And so yesterday morning I took my camera out just in case, but the light was too bright on the box, the sun too strong. The camera went back into the house. Over breakfast and deep in conversation with friends who are staying, suddenly, one fledgling appeared, looked around, leaned forward and then launched itself into a new life. Its first flight. As I said, the camera was inside the house... grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
So, from that moment on I waited with the camera - didn't move - and then about an hour later, chick number two appeared - as you see in the photo. It looked around, went back in, looked around again, noticed the sea and the sunshine and then - whoosh - it was off too. Maybe there was a third but I don't think so. Anyway, now the box is empty.
I can't begin to tell you the feeling of privilege one has when birds nest on your terrace. Hope they come back next year. And yes, I'm no bird photographer but at least you see the chick in the first two shots a mere second before it flew for the first time in its life - and Mama Coal Tit in the last one (taken the day before).
For great bird photography, you need to visit Abe Lincoln's brilliant My Birds Blog. Yes, that Abe Lincoln - he's a descendant of the great man and lives in Ohio but hasn't been too well lately. This post is for you, dear Abe. Get well soon.